OGP Member Information
Liberia Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment
In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the implementation report for Liberia's third action plan. The report covers the action plan implementation process. In Liberia, the IRM researcher Diasmer Panna Bloe's findings are summarized below: Liberia’s 2017–2019 action plan…
Denmark Design Report 2019-2021
Denmark’s fourth action plan continues to mainly focus on fostering public trust and transparency through open data. Notable commitments include creating a database with information on workplace safety and the introduction of whistleblower protection schemes with in the sphere of…
Germany Design Report 2019-2021
Germany’s second action plan continues to focus on open data and civic participation in decision-making processes. Notable commitments include improving the openness of German foreign policy, expanding public participation in rule-making, and strengthening data sovereignty in North Rhine-Westphalia. Germany’s next…
Norway Design Report 2019-2021
Norway’s fourth action plan focuses on the openness of public administration, open data, and anti-corruption. Notably, the action plan continues a commitment to establish a public register of ultimate beneficial owners of Norwegian companies. In future action plans, Norway could…
Finland Design Report 2019-2023
Finland’s fourth action plan focuses on promoting sustainable open government practices, lobbying transparency, and open data. The government involved a more diverse group of participants in the action plan co-creation and shared the agenda-setting power with civil society. At the…
Kaduna State, Nigeria Design Report 2018-2020
Kaduna State's first action plan represents an admirable step towards open government reform. Now familiar with OGP, Kaduna State should formalize the State Steering Committee to ensure sustainable and well-documented OGP processes. In turn, the Steering Committee should increase commitments'…
Sierra Leone Design Report 2019-2021
Sierra Leone’s third action plan continues commitments in access to justice, addressing gender-based violence, access to information, and records and archives management. The plan offers new commitments on tax, beneficial ownership transparency, and open parliament. The reorganization and reinvigoration of…