OGP Member Information
Inception Report – Action plan – Hamburg, Germany, 2022 – 2024
Overview Name of Evaluator Frederick Richter Email richter@stiftungdatenschutz.org Member Name Hamburg, Germany Action Plan Title Action plan - Hamburg, Germany, 2022 - 2024 Section 1. Compliance with co-creation requirements 1.1 Does a forum exist? Yes Provide a brief explanation of…
Estrategia de OGP 2023-2028
Introducción y contexto La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) fue fundada en 2011 por un grupo de gobiernos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que buscaban la manera de trabajar en unión para atender…
Stratégie du PGO 2023–2028
Historique et contexte Le Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert (PGO) a été créé en 2011 par des gouvernements et des organisations de la société civile à la recherche de nouvelles façons de travailler ensemble pour relever des défis de taille.…
Colombia Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment
En el 2023, el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó el informe de resultados del cuarto plan de acción de Colombia. El informe revisa el nivel de cumplimiento y los resultados tempranos de gobierno abierto…
End of Commitment Report – Development of an Asturian digital legal library.
Overview Name of Evaluator MANUEL ANTONIO MUÑIZ PEREZ Email manumuni@uniovi.es Member Name Asturias, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Asturias, Spain, 2022 - 2023 Commitment Development of an Asturian digital legal library. Action This commitment consists of the creation…
End of Commitment Report – Expand and improve the open data sets relating to Asturias available on the central government open data portal (datos.gob.es).
Overview Name of Evaluator MANUEL ANTONIO MUÑIZ PEREZ Email manumuni@uniovi.es Member Name Asturias, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Asturias, Spain, 2022 - 2023 Commitment Expand and improve the open data sets relating to Asturias available on the central…
End of Commitment Report – The creation of a catalogue of public information of the Administration of the Principality of Asturias.
Overview Name of Evaluator MANUEL ANTONIO MUÑIZ PEREZ Email manumuni@uniovi.es Member Name Asturias, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Asturias, Spain, 2022 - 2023 Commitment The creation of a catalogue of public information of the Administration of the Principality…
Liberia Results Report for 2020-2022 – For Public Comment
In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Liberia's 2020-2022 action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. ----- The report is available in…
Philippines Results Report 2019-2022
The Philippines’ fifth action plan improved access to civil society–government town hall meetings and to local government information. Its design process widened public participation in OGP, but this momentum was not sustained during implementation. Early Results: Five of the action…