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OGP Member Information

South Africa Results Report 2020-2022

The Government of South Africa’s submission of the fourth action plan maintained their status as a member in the partnership. However, the government directed very few human or financial resources to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) process. Consequently, dialogue between…

End of Commitment Report – Generate alliances with the municipalities of the State of Mexico to disseminate the use and benefits of access to information.

Overview Name of Evaluator Carlos de la Peña Jiménez O'Farril, Daniel Rosemberg Cervantes Pérez, Jesus Ponce Rubio Email,, Member Name Mexico State, Mexico Action Plan Title Action plan - Mexico State, Mexico, 2021 - 2022 Commitment Generate…

Sweden Results Report 2019-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Sweden's 2019-2022 action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. The report is available in English…

Open Government Partnership