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OGP Member Information

Morocco Results Report 2021-2023

Morocco's second action plan achieved modest early results. Notably, digitalization of justice processes and administrative procedures increased transparency and access to key government services. Noteworthy progress was also made to increase access to information across local governments. However, open parliament commitments saw limited progress due the one-year implementation timeline. Reformers continue important work to strengthen inclusivity and collaboration in OGP processes.

Serbia Action Plan Review 2023–2027

Serbia’s fifth action plan includes promising commitments on electronic people’s initiatives and access to environmental data. The level of ambition of the commitments is similar to the previous action plan, with space for setting more rigorous milestones. Since this is…

Jamaica Results Report 2021-2023

Jamaica's first action plan shows mixed results with an overall limited level of completion and moderate early results in two out of seven commitments. Difficulties in attracting sufficient human and financial resources as well as declining stakeholder engagement during implementation…

Mongolia Action Plan Review 2023–2027

Mongolia’s fifth action plan intends to pass promising legislation on extractive transparency and media freedom. It also aims to support participatory evaluation of government policies and services. Its commitments could go further to take advantage of the new four-year implementation period. Development of the action plan significantly strengthened government-civil society collaboration on OGP, despite gaps in financial and high-level political support.

Colombia Action Plan Review 2023-2025

El quinto plan de acción de Colombia se centra en las áreas de gobernanza pública, participación ciudadana, Estado Abierto con perspectiva de género, parlamento y justicia abiertas. Se destaca la colaboración con la sociedad civil y el apoyo de OGP para la cocreación del plan, así como la necesidad de fortalecer los compromisos para alcanzar las metas propuestas. Para la implementación del plan se recomienda identificar obstáculos y buenas prácticas tempranamente y continuar fomentando la colaboración entre las agencias implementadoras y la sociedad civil.

Guatemala Action Plan Review 2023-2025

In the context of Guatemala's government transition, the sixth action plan includes civil society initiatives to continue advancing in key policy areas, like open data and transparency in infrastructure. The challenge for implementation will be to strengthen the technical capacity of government officials and open more spaces for collaboration with civil society organizations.

Panama Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Panama's fifth action plan includes six commitments, all part of the previous plan. The National Open Government Commission (CNGAP, per its acronym in Spanish) chose this continuity to expand the impact of prior[1] commitments and address the presidential elections of…

Open Government Partnership