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OGP Member Information

Cabo Verde Design Report 2018-2020

Cabo Verde’s first action plan comes in the context of the country’s recent steps to open government. Through OGP, Cabo Verde committed to further reforms such as the establishment of an open data portal. Future co-creation processes should prioritize equal…

Jordan End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Jordan’s third action plan led to major advances in the decentralization of political power and the drafting of an ambitious open data policy. While a majority of commitments in key policy areas were either completely, or substantially, implemented by the…

Kenya Design Report 2018-2020

To develop Kenya’s third action plan, the country increased participation of CSOs, however, without deepening their involvement to share the decision-making power and increasing the ambition of the plan. It contains three notable reforms to carry forward on addressing beneficial…

Ghana Design Report 2017-2019

Ghana’s third action plan aimed to promote access to information and civic participation to prevent corruption in different public policy areas. As in previous action plans, the passing of the Right to Information bill continues to be a centerpiece for…

Open Government Partnership