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Towards More Inclusive Policy Creation: How Buenos Aires Engaged the LGBTQIA+ Community

In the past, the City of Buenos Aires had very few opportunities to work on public policies concerning the LGBTQIA+ community from an open government perspective. Through an OGP commitment, my team, the Undersecretariat for Open Government and Accountability, is…


Guía para escépticos del gobierno abierto – Edición de 2022

Introducción La evidencia continúa demostrando que el gobierno abierto tiene impactos en la vida de las personas. Pero aún hay personas escépticas que no conocen los beneficios de este enfoque. ¿Te cuesta trabajo convencer a la gente para que aplique…


Civic Space and Open Government Reform in Asia and the Pacific

Now more than ever, it is critical that countries in the region address civic space restrictions both through the OGP framework and beyond. Here are a few actions to take.


Algorithms and Human Rights: Understanding Their Impacts

Human rights algorithmic impact assessments have emerged as an accountability tool to identify potential harms, mitigate unintended impacts, and inform policy decisions on the use of algorithms across key policy areas including health, and education. 

Open Government Partnership