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Parliaments in OGP – Recommendations

Explore our list of recommendations for actions that parliaments can take to advance open government through legislation, oversight, opening up parliamentary institutions and processes, and fostering dialogue. Legislative action Adopt, or review and amend legislation to strengthen the legal frameworks…

Idea Batumi 3

Georgian Municipalities on a Journey to Become More Open

Having served as a national researcher for Georgia from 2013 to 2019 for OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism, I have developed a particular interest in implementing the values of openness and accountability in local governments. From 2014-2015, Georgia implemented a series…


How Can We Get EU Recovery Right?

OGP is convening an online conversation on the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. The conversation will bring together representatives from the European Commission, national governments and expert civil society to discuss how - and why it is so important - to ensure openness of recovery spending.

Open Government Partnership