Actions for Transparent and Accountable Digital Governance
Innovation and the use of digital technologies have always been an integral part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in advancing open government reforms.
Innovation and the use of digital technologies have always been an integral part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in advancing open government reforms.
Enhancing and protecting civic space is vital to achieving OGP’s bold goals of accelerating economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, and building resilient and citizen-centered democracies.
As the world dares to glimpse into the future, the dire state of digital infrastructure and climate change are clear.
COVID-19 vaccines are an essential tool in the race to save lives and rebuild economies during the pandemic. Read how open government can help to achieve the effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of vaccines.
Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 son una herramienta esencial en la carrera por salvar vidas y reconstruir la economía durante la pandemia. Cada vez hay más vacunas disponibles, por lo que asegurar su distribución adecuada es un reto global urgente.…
Twaweza shares their unique approach for including citizens in the decisions that impact their lives and offers insights on what they've learned along the way.
Despite positive steps taken on international, regional and national levels to promote strategies for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, evidence still suggests that women are being excluded from public procurement processes.
El Centro Africano de Libertad de Información (AFIC por sus siglas en inglés) recibió una donación para llevar a cabo una investigación como parte de la Iniciativa Feminista de Gobierno Abierto, programa que lideran Results for Development (R4D) y la…
Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. Read how open government approaches can help.
El endeudamiento de los países, acrecentado en las últimas dos décadas, ha dejado a muchos países africanos ricos en recursos al borde de una crisis de endeudamiento. Desde principios de los años 2000, los países africanos han adquirido cada vez…
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