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Actions to Protect and Enhance Civic Space

Enhancing and protecting civic space is vital to achieving OGP’s bold goals of accelerating economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, and building resilient and citizen-centered democracies.

Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine vials in a row macro close up

Effective, Efficient, and Equitable: How Open Government Can Deliver on Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are an essential tool in the race to save lives and rebuild economies during the pandemic. Read how open government can help to achieve the effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of vaccines.

woman in the market

Overcoming Women’s Barriers to Participating in Entrepreneurship and Public Procurement in Africa

Despite positive steps taken on international, regional and national levels to promote strategies for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, evidence still suggests that women are being excluded from public procurement processes.


Debt Transparency: An Open Government Solution to Mitigating Debt Crises

Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. Read how open government approaches can help.

Open Government Partnership