Open Gov Guide
The Open Gov Guide is the go-to resource for officials, civil society representatives, and other actors looking for recommendations, examples, and resources on open government.
The Open Gov Guide is the go-to resource for officials, civil society representatives, and other actors looking for recommendations, examples, and resources on open government.
Private sector actors—including corporations, financial institutions, investors, government contractors—have a clear stake in opening government. Open governments can prevent corruption, increase efficiency, reduce transaction costs, and cultivate a better business environment. Though business has always been a critical part of…
What steps can the United States take to further transparency and accountability? Alex Howard offers six concrete steps to lead on open government by example.
Latin America and the Caribbean adopted the Escazu Agreement to guarantee the rights of all people to have a healthy environment, to develop sustainably, and to fight against inequality and discrimination.
América Latina y el Caribe adoptó el Acuerdo de Escazú con el propósito de garantizar los derechos de todas las personas a un medio ambiente sano, al desarrollo sostenible y luchar contra la desigualdad y la discriminación. El Estado Abierto…
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) represents an important platform for advancing the implementation of the Escazú Agreement, which aims to guarantee the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making, access to justice in environmental affairs, and…
La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP, por sus siglas en inglés) constituye una plataforma importante para avanzar en la implementación del Acuerdo de Escazú...
As you think about where your tax payers‘ money go, spare a thought whether you have a say in it. One of the ways to do so is participatory budgeting. For over thirty years now, participatory budgeting has been used…
Civil society plays an essential role in democratic societies, leading to more ambition, stronger policies, and better results. See five important insights from a Democratic Freedoms Learning Network webinar on the importance of civic space.
Migrant populations often face disproportionate obstacles to accessing information and participating in policy-making. Learn how OGP members are working to meaningfully engage migrant communities in their work, and explore recommendations for further impact.
En las últimas décadas, hemos sido testigos de un enorme aumento en los flujos migratorios. En 2020, se estimó que 281 millones de personas vivían fuera de su país de nacimiento, más del doble de lo registrado en 1990. El…
See how OGP members are working to better understand and address the gender-differentiated impacts of algorithms, reduce human biases, and create artificial intelligence programs that are trustworthy, ethical, and inclusive.
En todo el mundo, las instituciones del sector público están explorando cada vez más el uso de algoritmos con el fin de mejorar el diseño de políticas públicas y la toma de decisiones con base en datos. Estos sistemas tienen…
How can governments build a more constructive relationship with civil society? Get started with four steps outlined by OGP members at a recent Democratic Freedoms Learning Network here.
Muchas veces, los gobiernos que quieren establecer una relación más constructiva con la sociedad no saben por dónde empezar. La sociedad civil abarca diferentes tipos de organizaciones, áreas de experiencia y alcances geográficos por lo que puede ser abrumador entender…
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