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State of Play Analysis

Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine vials in a row macro close up

Effective, Efficient, and Equitable: How Open Government Can Deliver on Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are an essential tool in the race to save lives and rebuild economies during the pandemic. Read how open government can help to achieve the effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of vaccines.

Group with post-its

Closed Democracies in Latin America? Openness at a Crossroads

Democracy is facing challenging times globally and especially in Latin America. In this region, only three countries are considered full democracies and democracy is backsliding overall.


Improving Governance by Asking Questions that Matter

Learn how the 100 Questions Initiative is strengthening governance through the use of effective, efficient and equitable data.


Debt Transparency: An Open Government Solution to Mitigating Debt Crises

Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. Read how open government approaches can help.

Open Government Partnership