Europe Regional Meeting
The OGP Europe Regional Meeting will take place on October 11-12, 2022 in Rome, Italy.
Action Plan 4
Germany’s fourth action plan features commitments on a range of topics, mainly in the fields of transparency and open data. The most promising commitments come from the coalition agreement and include the introduction of a Federal Transparency Act and transparency guidelines for public-private partnerships (PPPs). Civil society mentioned that the co-creation process did not offer them sufficient opportunities to shape the content of the action plan. The IRM restates recommendations to institutionalize the OGP process for better co-creation of future action plans. (More)
The OGP Europe Regional Meeting will take place on October 11-12, 2022 in Rome, Italy.
Help co-create OGP's new strategy. This page is your go-to resource for all the materials you need to host and join conversations and share your views on how OGP can tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Participation from women in leadership positions in Germany was either stalling, or even falling. A new legal act, brought into effect in 2015, introduces obligations and incentives to improve gender representation in private and public leadership positions.
Point of Contact
2024, IRM Report, Web page
2024, Report Comments, Web page
2023, Action Plan, Web page
2023, Inception Report, Web page
2023, Inception Report, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Action Plan, Web page
2022, Action Plan, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Report Comments, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Report Comments, Web page
2021, Self Assessment, Web page
2021, Action Plan, Web page
2020, IRM Report, Web page
2020, Self Assessment, Web page
2020, Report Comments, Web page
2020, IRM Report, Web page
2020, Report Comments, Web page
2020, Self Assessment, Web page
2019, Action Plan, Web page
2019, IRM Report, Web page
2019, Report Comments, Web page
2019, Letter, Web page
2018, Self Assessment, Web page
2017, Action Plan, Web page
2017, Letter, Web page
The following variables answer the question “Did this commitment open government?“, and focus on how government practices have changed as a result of the commitment’s implementation.
No IRM data
Pending IRM Review
Starred commitments in OGP are one of the ways the IRM designates promising reforms. The graph below shows where the major areas for improvement in action plan design and implementation should take place based on past action plans.
Stars (Global average 7%)
Focus on implementation
Focus on design
Pending IRM review
No IRM data
Focus on objectives and impact (ambition/potential impact)
Focus on relevance to open government
Focus on verifiability
This table shows: 1) the level of public influence during the development and implementation of OGP action plans, 2) whether consultations were open to any member of the public or only to those invited; and 3) whether a forum existed that met regularly.
Participation was closed
Participation was open to any interested party
No IRM data
Pending IRM review
Collaborate: Iterative dialogue and public helped set agenda
Involve: Government gave feedback on public inputs
Consult: Public gave input
Inform: Government provided public with information on plan
The data below is drawn from the 2019 OGP Global Report. You can view and learn more about the report here.
This section captures how each OGP member can play a leadership role, based on IRM-based findings and third-party scores. This list does not cover all of open government and OGP members are not required to take any action.
These are recommendations on the role that each OGP member might play in each policy area. The recommendations are derived from a combination of the IRM-based findings and third-party scores.
Reflect the performance of commitments in a particular policy area, as assessed by the IRM.
(NC) No Commitments
(CA) Commitment(s) in the policy area.
(IR) IRM-Reviewed: At least one IRM-assessed commitment.
(C) Was Complete: At least one commitment was substantially or fully completed.
(A) Was Ambitious: At least one commitment with moderate or transformative potential impact.
(ER) Showed Early Results: At least one commitment opened government in a “Major” or “Outstanding” way.
Reflect “real-world” performance, i.e., performance outside of the OGP framework. Scores are comprised of various indicators collected by respected organizations.
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
The OGP Nordic+ group met in April 2024 and again during Open Gov Week to discuss how to advance fiscal transparency and enhance participation in fiscal policy. From these discussions, four key lessons emerged, each illustrated with practical examples from various countries.
Participation from women in leadership positions in Germany was either stalling, or even falling. A new legal act, brought into effect in 2015, introduces obligations and incentives to improve gender representation in private and public leadership positions.
See how OGP members are using their action plans to engage LGBTQIA+ communities and address their values and needs.
Desde 2019, la campaña Rompiendo los roles de OGP ha invitado a los reformadores de gobierno abierto a ser más conscientes, estratégicos y ambiciosos en sus esfuerzos por incorporar la perspectiva de mujeres y diversidad de género en sus planes…
Watch German Chancellor Merkel's remarks from the 2020 OGP Virtual Leaders Summit.
As global distrust in democracies grows, we believe intransparent legislative structures are a big factor. When lobbyists influence laws, it can create feelings of injustice and distrust within a society. Yet, lobbying, or the articulation of and advocacy for various interests, is essential for democracies. So, what does a fair and transparent lobbying system that enhances trust for political procedures look like?
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