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Case Study

A woman walks near a telecommunications tower in Mexico City

Attempting to Address Violence Against Activists and Journalists

Lessons from Reformers: The Mexican justice system suffers from lack of judicial independence and is part of a broader environment of impunity...

presidential palace in Bratislava, Slovakia in the sunny summer day

Using Slovakia’s Beneficial Ownership Register for Impact

Lessons from Reformers: Along with Denmark, Slovakia was one of the first countries to publish beneficial ownership information.

Women businesses Albania

Using Data on Women-Owned Businesses in Albania

Lessons from Reformers: In 2016, the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS)–one of the CSOs engaged in the OGP process in Albania–conducted a study using data on women-owned businesses...

World Newspapers

Shifting Protections and Culture about Whistleblowers

Lessons from Reformers: Whistleblowers serve a critical social function by flagging neglect or abuses in the public and private sector...

yellow field

The State of Nonprofit Work in Ukraine

Lessons from Reformers: Obtaining official not-for-profit status for an organization in Ukraine has long been considered a difficult process.

OGP Local workshop in Elegyo-Marakwet, Kenya

Inclusive Contracting in Elgeyo-Marakwet, Kenya

Lessons from Reformers: Although Kenya requires that 30% of procurement opportunities be allocated to women, youth, and people with disabilities, these groups still face significant obstacles in the procurement market.

Oil rig in the yards

Nigeria’s Push for Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Procurement and in the Extractives Sector

Lessons from Reformers: As a resource-rich country that has been plagued by grand corruption, beneficial ownership transparency has emerged as an important tool in Nigeria.

Aerial view of a port in Montevideo, Uruguay

Uruguay’s National Water Plan

Lessons from Reformers: Uruguay’s 2004 constitutional reform reversed privatization of water and sanitation services. This reform signaled a significant public interest in water and sanitation governance.

Prozorro Office – Ukraine

Empowering Citizens as Watchdogs in Ukraine

Lessons from Reformers: After the successful launch of the ProZorro e-procurement platform in 2015, Ukraine launched DoZorro...

Open Government Partnership