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IRM Report

Ecuador Results Report 2019-2022

The implementation of Ecuador's first action plan generated important early results on key issues, such as transparency in public procurement and the protection of women and the LGBTI+ community. Civil society and academia had a significant role in the process…

Mexico Results Report 2019-2022

The fourth action plan brings several lessons since it was developed during the pandemic and in an environment of polarization between the government and civil society. The plan achieved early results in nine of the thirteen commitments, four of them…

Costa Rica Results Report 2019-2022

The results achieved in the implementation of this action plan constitutes improvements from the previous cycles, partly thanks to the design of the commitments, which were specific and verifiable. The experience acquired in the involvement of civil society by the…

Argentina Results Report 2019-2022

Compared to the previous plan, the fourth action plan showed progress in consistency, ambition, and inclusion of key issues, both from the civil society agenda regarding rights and democratic governance and from the global OGP agenda. However, it reported setbacks…

United States Results Report 2019-2022

The fourth National Action Plan for Open Government (NAP4) of the United States exhibited a higher degree of completion compared to its predecessors. However, it produced fewer substantial results due to its reduced level of ambition. The engagement of civil…

New Zealand Action Plan Review 2022-2024

This product consists of an IRM review of the New Zealand 2022–2024 action plan. The action plan comprises eight commitments. This review emphasises its analysis on the strength of the action plan to contribute to implementation and results. For the…

Denmark Results Report 2019-2022

Denmark’s fourth Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan (2019–2022) continued to focus on digitizing the public sector and publishing open data. The action plan resulted in the creation of a portal with data on the climate (Commitment 3) and a…

Malawi Action Plan Review 2023-2025

  Following a four-year vacuum in OGP and challenging political transitions, Malawi introduced a second action plan that focuses on transparency and anti-corruption. To deliver on its promises, implementation will require proper allocation of resources to key institutions and strong…

Open Government Partnership