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IRM Report

North Macedonia Results Report 2021-2023

North Macedonia’s fifth action plan was more ambitious than previous plans, but there were no significant early results following implementation. A lack of funding, personnel changes in government institutions, and the need for legislative changes delayed the completion of many…

Republic of Korea Results Report 2021-2023

Implementation of Korea’s fifth action plan strengthened legislative whistleblower protections. The government also launched an online system for citizen petitions, engaged youth in policymaking, and provided access to information on government safety inspections. However, the change in administration and shift…

Republic of Korea Action Plan Review 2023-2027

The action plan includes promising commitments on administrative appeals, access to government data, and whistleblower protection—but its other commitments do not have clear potential for open government results. Given that this is the Republic of Korea’s first four-year plan, the…

Ghana Action Plan Review 2023-2027

Ghana’s first four-year action plan prioritizes institutionalizing open government through the passage of laws and regulations. Commitments to further open parliament and combat mis- and disinformation show substantial potential for results. Ghana can continue leveraging its robust open government community by strengthening government-civil society coalitions around priority aims. Reformers can plan for continuity through the December 2024 national elections and the opportunity to refresh the action plan midway through the implementation period.

Tunisia Results Report 2021–2023

Tunisia's fourth action plan achieved modest early results, with most progress in opening up governance at the municipal level. The E-Government Unit of the Presidency, civil society steering committee members, international partners, and engaged municipalities were key drivers of reforms.…

Brazil Transitional Results Report 2018-2021

This report covers the implementation of Brazil’s fourth action plan for 2018–2021. In 2021, the IRM started implementing a new approach to its research process and the scope of its reporting on action plans, approved by the IRM Refresh.[1] The…

Open Government Partnership