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IRM Report

Finland Design Report 2019-2023

Finland’s fourth action plan focuses on promoting sustainable open government practices, lobbying transparency, and open data. The government involved a more diverse group of participants in the action plan co-creation and shared the agenda-setting power with civil society. At the…

Sierra Leone Design Report 2019-2021

Sierra Leone’s third action plan continues commitments in access to justice, addressing gender-based violence, access to information, and records and archives management. The plan offers new commitments on tax, beneficial ownership transparency, and open parliament. The reorganization and reinvigoration of…

Italy Design Report 2019-2021

Italy’s fourth action plan includes commitments on relevant national challenges like beneficial ownership transparency and lobbying regulation. It also builds on previous commitments on open data, and introduces measures to enhance civic participation and a culture of open government. Commitments…

Latvia Design Report 2019-2021

Latvia’s 2019-2021 action plan addresses relevant national issues on open data, public procurement transparency, and participation in local government. The co-creation process introduced a new multistakeholder forum and civil society and government officials collaborated closely on the development of commitments.…

Australia Design Report 2018-2020

Australia’s second OGP action plan builds on themes and policy areas from the first action plan. The eight commitments include efforts to improve access to information and civic participation, and also increase opportunities for state and territory governments to participate…

Slovakia Design Report 2019-2021

Slovakia’s fourth action plan focuses on open data and civic participation in several policy areas. A transformative commitment on beneficial ownership transparency will substantially increase the amount of this information publicly available. The co-creation process was open and inclusive with…

Nigeria Design Report 2019-2021

Nigeria’s second action plan continues commitments on budget openness, public contracts, extractive industry, anti-corruption measures and implementation of freedom of information legislation. The plan also provides new focus on improved service delivery, inclusion and civic space. While civil society and…

Spain Design Report 2017-2019

Spain’s third action plan made significant progress in terms of strengthening and deepening the open government agenda in the country. The plan is highly relevant to the value of access to information and notably committed to the institutionalization of the…

Uruguay Design Report 2018-2020

The co-creation process of Uruguay’s fourth action plan was better structured and included more dialogue instances than previous plans, demonstrating the country’s strengthened OGP process. However, there are opportunities for improving the geographic and thematic diversity of civil society, as…

Open Government Partnership