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IRM Report

Colombia Action Plan Review 2023-2025

El quinto plan de acción de Colombia se centra en las áreas de gobernanza pública, participación ciudadana, Estado Abierto con perspectiva de género, parlamento y justicia abiertas. Se destaca la colaboración con la sociedad civil y el apoyo de OGP para la cocreación del plan, así como la necesidad de fortalecer los compromisos para alcanzar las metas propuestas. Para la implementación del plan se recomienda identificar obstáculos y buenas prácticas tempranamente y continuar fomentando la colaboración entre las agencias implementadoras y la sociedad civil.

Guatemala Action Plan Review 2023-2025

In the context of Guatemala's government transition, the sixth action plan includes civil society initiatives to continue advancing in key policy areas, like open data and transparency in infrastructure. The challenge for implementation will be to strengthen the technical capacity of government officials and open more spaces for collaboration with civil society organizations.

Panama Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Panama's fifth action plan includes six commitments, all part of the previous plan. The National Open Government Commission (CNGAP, per its acronym in Spanish) chose this continuity to expand the impact of prior[1] commitments and address the presidential elections of…

United Kingdom Action Plan Review 2023-2025

The UK’s sixth action plan includes promising commitments on open contracting and aid transparency, building on efforts from previous action plans. Improvements in civil society-government relations helped restore the OGP process in the UK. Stakeholders could build on this momentum…

Sierra Leone Results Report 2021-2023

Sierra Leone’s fourth action plan saw a high level of implementation and notable early results. Coalitions of reformers increased civil society engagement in parliamentary activities and advanced legal reforms to open the extractives sector. The 2023 elections spurred electoral reforms…

Ghana Results Report 2021-2023

Ghana’s fourth action plan achieved notable early results in implementing the Access to Information Law and publishing information on companies’ beneficial owners. Gradual progress across action plans and increasingly strategic action plan design contributed to these results. Ghana’s OGP ecosystem…

Dominican Republic Action Plan Review 2022-2024

The Dominican Republic fifth Action Plan 2022-2024 has solid political and institutional support. The creation of its first multi-stakeholder forum constitutes a promising milestone for the advancement of the open government agenda in the country. The action plan commitments' renew…

Lithuania Results Report 2021-2023

Lithuania’s fifth action plan resulted in the launch of a public beneficial ownership register, allowing civil society and journalists to access this information for the first time. However, data on public procurement was not published in open format. Early Results:…

Ukraine Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Ukraine’s sixth action plan includes commitments addressing the transparency of and participation in restoration processes, harmonization with European Union (EU) legislation, and restoring access to information. Most commitments will be embedded in legislation to ensure their sustainability beyond donor support.…

Open Government Partnership