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Rostros del gobierno abierto – Tim Hughes

¿Cómo te involucraste en el gobierno abierto? ¿Qué te llevó a formar parte del movimiento? Me incorporé al movimiento del gobierno abierto porque quería hacer que el gobierno y los servicios públicos realmente trabajaran para sus ciudadanos. Por un lado,…

Featured Commitment – Georgia

Country: Georgia Action Plan: 2014-15 Commitment: 11: Coordinate and support Open Government Georgia’s Forum OGP values the spirit of “co-creation,” where civil society and government work together to create commitments that make government more open, transparent, and accountable. How did…

Faces of Open Government – Tim Hughes

How did you get involved in open government - what is your personal story about why you joined the movement? I came to open government movement through wanting to make government and public services work better for people. On the…

Co-Creation in the UK

The UK made a big effort to be as open and co-operative as possible in its second and third National Action Plan (NAP) process and, based on what I saw and heard, both government and civil society worked hard to…

open gov gram challenge winner

#OpenGovGram Winner: Public Meeting in Elgeyo Marakwet

This photo was taken in Kapyego Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya, where the county government was holding a public participation meeting on how the ward’s annual development budget should be spent. It was beautiful, sunny, but cold (5°C or 40°F)…

Open Government Partnership