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The Threat of Climate Change Could Be a Major Opportunity

The response to global climate change may be the biggest opportunity for the foreseeable future to direct public funds to poor and vulnerable communities. In December 2015, 195 countries joined the Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate…

Featured Commitment – Liberia

Country: Liberia Action Plan: 2015-2017 Commitment: Ensure that information on commercial land use rights is made publicly available In the past quarter century, Liberia has been ravaged by civil war and an Ebola epidemic, both of which have severely impacted…

Faces of Open Government – Gabriela Ayerdi

How did you get involved in open government - what is your personal story about why you joined the movement? In 2015, Guatemala went through a process that marked the country's history. The presidential run-off election was characterized by cases…

Information, participation, and access to justice can save lives, protect territories and achieve sustainable development

The Environmental Justice Atlas currently has registers of 2,089 cases of socio-environmental conflict due to mining, and oil and gas extraction. This is yet another of the many striking figures that we see everyday about unemployment; malnutrition; displaced, migrant and…

There is no open government without a free press

The statistics are frightening: According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in media stands at 43% - an all time low in 17 countries. Gallup reported in September that Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report…

Introducing the Government Point of Contact Manual 3.0

Version en español »   It is my distinct pleasure to present to the OGP community the Government Points of Contact (POC) Manual 3.0 (Spanish). This is the third iteration of the guidance materials for government officials that the Support…

Open Government Partnership