From Civil Servant to Global Advocate
In this episode, Aruna Roy tells us how she contributed to passing the Right to Information Act in India and why her fight isn't over.
In this episode, Aruna Roy tells us how she contributed to passing the Right to Information Act in India and why her fight isn't over.
The European open government community met at the OGP Europe Regional Meeting in Rome, Italy at a critical time when democracy and open government are under threat externally from events such as the Russian invasion and internally from a growing lack of citizen trust.
La comunidad europea de gobierno abierto se reunió durante el Encuentro Regional de OGP de Europa en Roma, Italia en un tiempo crítico en el que la democracia y el gobierno abierto enfrentan amenazas externas por eventos como la invasión…
The International Open Justice Network (RIJA in Spanish) took part in Open Americas/America Abierta, a regional event co-hosted by OGP, ILDA and the Government of the Dominican Republic. We had the opportunity to learn from various initiatives focused on open…
La Red Internacional de Justicia Abierta (RIJA) participó de América Abierta – un evento coorganizado por OGP, ILDA y el gobierno de República Dominicana – y tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer experiencias y profundizar sobre las iniciativas de datos abiertos,…
Last month open government reformers from across Europe gathered for the OGP Europe Regional Meeting in Rome, Italy to build political support for open government and find solutions to tackle our common regional challenges. Across the two days, this is a summary of what we heard.
El mes pasado, un grupo de personas reformadoras de Europa se reunieron durante el Encuentro Regional de Europa en Roma, Italia para reunir apoyo político en favor del gobierno abierto e identificar soluciones a nuestros retos regionales comunes. Actualmente, Europa…
Watch OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan deliver opening remarks at the 2022 OGP Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting. Dear friends, Good morning, Bonjour! First, my immense gratitude to the Government of Morocco for hosting us. I am truly energized…
In this episode, Khadija Ismayilova shares how her reporting on government corruption led to blackmail, intrusive surveillance, and unjust imprisonment and how we can create spaces for journalists to hold power to account without fear of retaliation.
Ouiame el Moustamide sat down with us to share her insights on the progress Morocco has made so far in OGP and what she hopes the Regional Meeting can accomplish for the open government community in Africa and the Middle East.
Este año, OGP y el Gobierno del Reino de Marruecos cooganzarán la Reunión Regional de OGP para África y el Medio Oriente del 1 al 3 de noviembre de 2022. El evento se enfocará en la mejora de los servicios…
Ouiame el Moustamide, chef de la division des études et coordinatrice de l'équipe PGO Maroc au sein du Ministère de la Transition Numérique et de la Réforme de l’Administration, s'est entretenue avec le PGO...
The period between September to November 2022 marks a crucial time for all the members of OGP and the open government community. Here we highlight key moments from Open Americas, hosted by Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on September 26-29.
De septiembre a noviembre de 2022 marca un momento crucial para todos los miembros de OGP y la comunidad del gobierno abierto. En este tiempo, la Alianza ha reunido a actores de la comunidad en una serie de eventos regionales…
Explore five ways the OGP community can create an enabling environment for civil society.
Una sociedad civil robusta y dinámica desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo. La sociedad civil es importante porque ayuda a definir políticas, aboga por las necesidades y exigencias de la ciudadanía, ofrece servicios fundamentales, protege los derechos humanos y…
In this episode, Viktor Nestulia talks about the democratic history of Ukraine, how the war has impacted his family and community. And importantly, about the need for open government values to lead the country’s reconstruction.
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