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OpenStories video featured – Korea

Third Graders Pitch In On What’s Pitched Out

When millions gathered in Gwanghwamun Square in the Republic of Korea to protest the previous administration, President Moon invited citizens back to the square to propose policies that responded to their needs. Many proposals have become policies - one of them came from third graders in Jeju.

Candlelight rally

Protecting Civic Space: Lessons Learned and Actions to Take

A vibrant and robust civic space is essential to open government. While we mark 10 years since OGP’s founding this year, we’re also facing 15 years of a steady decline in civil liberties, including in some OGP countries. In recent…


How Can We Get EU Recovery Right?

OGP brought together EU officials, national governments and civil society representatives, gathering three actionable ideas that European leaders can adopt for a strong, inclusive, and sustainable recovery.

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Renewing Democracy – A Decade of OGP

In less than a month, two summits will take place on democracy. The first, the White House Summit for Democracy will deal with global threats including the rise of authoritarianism and feature the voices of...

Open Government Partnership