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eccp south cotabato

On the Road to a Better Procurement System in South Cotabato

The local government of South Cotabato, a province in the south of the Philippines, only completed 4.1 per cent of the development projects - most of them related to infrastructure - under the Local Development Fund in 2017. 


New Data Reinforce that Access to Justice is an Open Government Issue

The open government community has seen growing support for linking justice to open government in recent years, spurred in part by alarming levels of exclusion from justice.

Halla Tomasdottir

Break the Roles Voices: Halla Tómasdóttir

Halla Tómasdóttir ran for president in Iceland and almost won. As CEO of The B Team, Halla is an avid advocate for inclusive and diverse leadership in government, business, and beyond.

Girl Going to School in Paraguay

Day of the Girl: Messages from the Community

For International Day of the Girl Child, we asked open government and inclusion champions to share their inspirational and actionable advice with the next generation of open government leaders.


Launching an Evaluation of OGP

Oxford Policy Management will conduct an evaluation to address core questions around the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the OGP platform and strategies on reform processes in different contexts.

Justicia Abierta

Justice For All: Open Justice Moves Forward in Latin America

Governments and judiciaries in Latin America are innovating through the implementation of open government policies in the justice sector.

Open Government Partnership