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An Open Regulation to Protect Our Democracies

How can we protect our democracies, our public spaces and our institutions in the digital era? How can we ensure that digital technologies have a positive impact on democracy? Which safeguards should we put in place to build citizen’s trust…


Youth Power in Open Government

Young people now represent 41% of the global population, yet young people are rarely brought meaningfully into policy processes that affect their lives..


Expanding Inclusion in Open Government for First Nations, Quilombola and Indigenous Women

Since 1995, the 9th of August is commemorated as the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, to take cognizance of the specific needs of Indigenous communities and First Nations.


Can Citizen Participation Really Revive European Democracy?

In Europe, initiatives to increase citizen participation have made substantial progress, but there are severe difficulties to overcome if these participative forums are to address the core issues of democratic decline and contribute more significantly to its restoration.


The Missing Middle in Evaluating Fiscal Governance

This article was originally published on the Results for Development website. Progress is the name of the game I have a confession: as someone who has done a lot of work on evaluation and learning at the intersection of open…

Open Government Partnership