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Encuentro regional de Asia Pacífico de OGP 2018

Este texto es una adaptación del discurso que Kim Boo Kyum pronunció el mes pasado. Buenos días, sus Excelencias, distinguidos huéspedes, damas y caballeros. Mi nombre es Kim, Boo Kyum, Ministro del Interior y Seguridad.         Para mí es un…

Interview, Ms. Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Director-General, the Danish Agency for Digitisation

1) Why is it important for a country with low levels of corruption, like Denmark, to be part of an organization like OGP? Openness, anti-corruption and citizen engagement are all continuously important issues – even to countries with a long…

Gone But Not Forgotten: Translating High-level Global Endorsements into Country Action

It all makes sense on paper – the cycle of action and accountability one hopes that international summits and forums will trigger. A government commits to making a change, sets out timelines, appoints somebody responsible and explains the steps they…

International aid and development finance, corruption risks and the need for more transparency

Two years ago, at the London anti-corruption summit, the former UK Prime Minister described Nigeria as a ‘fantastically corrupt country’. To which Muhhamadu Buhari, the Nigerian president, replied that corruption was indeed an issue while also making the important point…

OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2018

This is adapted from Minister Kim Boo Kyum remarks from last month Good morning, your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Kim, Boo Kyum, Minister of the Interior and Safety. It is my pleasure to invite you all to…

Revealing true corporate owners is key to fighting “dirty money”

Money laundering and corruption keeps making headlines. Danske Bank, Denmark’s largest lender, is reeling from a EUR 200 billion money-laundering scandal that erupted in September, the same month Dutch bank ING was hit with a EUR 775 million fine for…

Open Government Partnership