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Datos abiertos sobre feminicidios en Brasil

  El feminicidio es reconocido a nivel global como una de las manifestaciones más severas de la violencia en contra de las mujeres y Brasil es uno de los países con mayor prevalencia de este crimen. Según “Mapa da Violência”,…

Open Government Partnership as a driver for open education

 Inspired by the motivating 2nd World Congress on Open Education Resources in Ljubljana last September, we at the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Development of the Civil Society (henceforth The Office of the Plenipotentiary) decided…

Growing the Family of #OpenGov: Introducing the New OGP Local Participants!

Reproductive health in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Women-led data collection in Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Inequality in Austin, Texas. Water service expenses and quality in Kigoma, Tanzania. Lobbying reforms in Madrid, Spain.   These are just a few of the issues that were…

Achieving Compliance Despite the Shifting Political Tides

The Philippines is one of the most mineralized countries in the world. In a 2013 and 2016 survey, the Philippines ranked in the top 10 in terms of mineral potential out of 112 countries (Taylor & Green, 2017). Mainstream paradigm…

Austin’s Equity Assessment Tool: Leveling the Playing Field

From the Austin City Government:    The City of Austin Equity Office was established through a City Council resolution in 2015, and officially opened with the hiring of the first Chief Equity Officer, Brion Oaks, in 2016. Unlike the many Equity…

Open Data about femicide in Brazil

  Femicide is recognized globally as one of the harshests manifestations of violence against women - and Brazil is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of that crime. According to ‘Mapa da Violência’, a study published by FLACSO…

Open Government Partnership