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OGP Criteria and Standards: What is ahead in 2018

OGP is all about action plans: governments identifying ambition for and making commitments to open government, ideally co-created by a range of stakeholders at home. But for the Partnership to be more than a set of disconnected action plans (including…

La transparencia en la lucha contra las noticias falsas

En los Países Bajos, las próximas elecciones municipales se llevarán a cabo el 21 de marzo del 2018. Ese mismo día, habrá un referéndum no obligatorio en el que los votantes opinarán sobre la Ley de Servicios de Inteligencia y…

Rostros del Gobierno Abierto – Catalina Urbe Burcher

Cuéntanos sobre IDEA. ¿En qué está trabajando la organización y cómo está impulsando cambios en la democracia en todo el mundo? International IDEA es la única organización intergubernamental cuyo único mandato es impulsar la democracia en todo el mundo. Así,…

Featured Commitment – Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka – AP1 2015-2017 (2016-2018) Theme: Women in Political Governance Commitment 15: Strengthening Women’s Participation in the political decision-making process at the local level Across the globe, women have seen slow-moving and limited progress on advancement of rights and…

The Open Election Data Initiative: Expanding and Using Data to Improve Electoral Processes

Initiatives like OGP have made substantial strides in opening a broad range of government data. This trend is particularly relevant to - and much needed in - elections, which are subject to basic democratic standards for transparency. With advancements in…

Faces of Open Government – Catalina Uribe Burcher

Tell us a little bit about IDEA. What work is IDEA doing, and how is it supporting democratic change around the world? International IDEA is the only intergovernmental organization whose sole mandate is to support democracy worldwide. As such, we…

Chile’s Multistakeholder Forum and Political Dialogue

Since its first National Action Plan process in 2012, the Government of Chile has maintained a permanent dialogue with civil society stakeholders in open government reforms. Initially, a small group of organizations held conversations with the General Secretariat of Presidency…

Open Government Partnership