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Lo que la agenda de #OGPArgentina nos dejó

La agenda del Encuentro Regional de las Américas de OGP fue construida de un modo colaborativo. El Comité Organizador (compuesto por el Ministerio de Modernización de la Argentina, ocho organizaciones de la sociedad civil y la Unidad de Apoyo de…

The OGP: Putting citizens at the centre

I am honoured to serve as Canada’s representative to the Open Government Partnership (OGP). My career in both the private and public sectors has proven to me the value of embracing partnerships to drive transformative change. Partnerships like the OGP…

Le PGO : Les citoyens au cœur de nos travaux

Je suis honoré de représenter le Canada au Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert (PGO). Ma carrière dans les secteurs public et privé m’a fait réaliser à quel point il est important de faire place aux partenariats pour procéder à un…

Argentina Keeps on Opening Up to the World

Hosting this event said it all: Argentina keeps on demonstrating that we are pushing the open government agenda at the federal level, and that it is our priority. So much so that the Open Government Week, where national experts and…

Why we should keep insisting: Building a space for trust

“What’s going on with Peru? It went from being a star in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and an example of collaboration between government and civil society, to being a shadow full of disagreements.” A colleague that used to work…

What the agenda of #OGPArgentina left us

The agenda of the Open Government Partnership Americas Regional Meeting was designed in a collaborative manner. The organizing committee (Argentina’s Ministry for Modernization, eight civil society organizations and OGP’s Support Unit) identified an overall structure of seven themes (citizen participation…

Getting out of the comfort zone to co-create: Lessons from Buenos Aires

During last month’s Americas Regional Meeting, the civil society organizations that make up the open government board, both at the national level in Argentina and at the subnational level in Buenos Aires, showed their ability to challenge, inconvenience, and put…

Open Government Partnership