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Por qué los compromisos de OGP fallan

This is Why OGP Commitments Fail >> En Grecia, el gobierno se comprometió a establecer un proceso abierto para cubrir las vacantes del sector público. En Macedonia, el gobierno se comprometió a exigir procesos de consulta con los ciudadanos a…

This Is Why OGP Commitments Fail

Por qué los compromisos de OGP fallan >> In Greece, the government committed to create an open process for filling public sector positions. In Macedonia, the government committed to require consultations with citizens at the municipal level. And in Mongolia,…

Tools for Tracking Action Plans in Uruguay

Version en español » With the goal of promoting and enhancing transparency in the tracking process of Open Government Action Plans, Uruguay has deployed four management tools: the Open Government Observatory, the Tracking Meetup, the Achievement Dashboard, and the Open…

Bringing governments closer to citizens: What Can OGP Countries Do?

A theme that surfaced consistently at the Asia Pacific Leaders Forum, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, was decreasing trust in governments. For countries committed to the principles and praxis of openness, this trust deficit could severely undermine the transformative…

The Evolution of Open Government in Canada

Open government is about greater openness, transparency and accountability, strengthening democracy through meaningful engagement, as well as driving innovation and economic opportunities. Meaningful progress on open government requires providing the public, the media, and the business community greater access to…

Five reasons to have an OGP Week

From November 6th - 11th, the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Development of Civil Society (the Office of the Plenipotentiary) as the national authority responsible for coordinating OGP initiatives in Slovakia, hosted the second Open Government…

Open Government and Public Feedback

In this day and age, there are a variety of different platforms available for people to express themselves. Outlets like social media give us the power to publicly express our opinions. Just about anyone can make a Twitter profile and…

Open Government Partnership