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Open Government in the Rural Areas of Azerbaijan

  We are happy to announce that nongovernmental organization “Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union (UMID)’s “Initiative for the ‘Promotion of Open Government’ at Local Level”, was approved by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) and will be implemented within…

Is Open Government a solution to ending poverty in Africa?

    As an African who lives on the continent and works in the development sector, I am troubled by the persistent poverty many live in. The continent boasts of abundant natural resources and a vibrant and talented young population,…

Open government inevitable in all countries: Heller

This post originally appeared on Nathaniel Heller is the executive vice president of integrated strategies at Results for Development (R4D), which works with change agents such as government officials, sometime social entrepreneurs and civil society activists to design and execute strategies…

An Upward Climb: Five Years Chasing the Sun

Five years ago to the day I started working for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) as “independent civil society coordinator.” It has been an incredible privilege to help shape OGP into a platform that really brings civil society to the…

Tech innovation hubs are open government actors. Sometimes. Potentially.

This blog was adapted from the original post on the Results for Development blog and the original report published by Making All Voices Count.Let me unpack that a bit.  Tech innovation hubs are overwhelmingly focused on developing solutions to pressing social challenges, as covered in…

Open Government Partnership