Action plan – Kakamega, Kenya, 2024 – 2027
Action PlanAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen...: Action plan – Kakamega, Kenya, 2024 – 2027
Action Plan Submission: 2024
Action Plan End: June 2027
Lead Institution: Office of the Ombudsman/Kakamega Development Trust, Directorate of Public ParticipationGiving citizens opportunities to provide input into government decision-making leads to more effective governance, improved public service delivery, and more equitable outcomes. Technical specificatio.../Kakamega Community Centre, Department of Environment, Water, Natural Resources and Climate Change/Kakamega YouthRecognizing that investing in youth means investing in a better future, OGP participating governments are creating meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in government processes. Technical ... More Water Parliame, Department of Finance, Budget, Economic Planning, ICT , e-government and Communication/Network for R
Aug 2027
Date Submitted
30th November 2024
Kakamega County Government is committed to enhancing transparencyAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, transparency occurs when “government-held information (including on activities and decisions) is open, comprehensive, timely, freely available to the pub... More, accountability, and public participation through the adoption of the Open Government PartnershipThe Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on improving government transparency, ensuring opportunities for citizen participation in public matters, and strengthen... More (OGP) principles. This plan outlines how the county will work with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to foster inclusive governance, improve service delivery, and ensure sustainable development.
To build a transparent, accountable, and inclusive government that fosters trust and collaboration with all stakeholders for the benefit of residents of Kakamega County.
Goals and Objectives
- Enhance Transparency: Increase access to government information and budgetary data.
- Foster Accountability: Strengthen mechanisms to hold public officers and institutions accountable.
- Promote Public Participation: Ensure citizen involvement in policy-making and development processes.
- Strengthen Partnerships: Collaborate with Civil Society Organizations, Private Sectors, Academia, media, faith-based organizations, and other stakeholders to implement and monitor OGP initiatives.
Key AmbitionAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, OGP commitments should “stretch government practice beyond its current baseline with respect to key areas of open government.” Ambition captures the po... Areas
- Open Budget and Access to Information
- Public Participation and Citizen Engagement
- County Assembly Openness
- Climate Change
Collaboration with CSOs
Kakamega County Government recognizes the pivotal role of CSOs in ensuring transparency and accountability. The following collaborative strategies will be adopted:
- Joint Planning: Involve CSOs in the co-creation of policies, budgets, and development plans.
- Data Sharing: Provide CSOs with unrestricted access to non-confidential data to enhance their advocacy and monitoring roles.
- Public EducationAccountability within the public education system is key to improving outcomes and attainment, and accountability is nearly impossible without transparent policies and opportunities for participation ...: Partner with CSOs to organize civic education programs to empower residents with knowledge on governance issues.
- AuditsInstitutional and legal frameworks are necessary for providing assurance of the integrity of financial information and of compliance with budgetary rules and procedure. Technical specifications: These... and Oversight: Work with CSOs to conduct independent evaluations of county projects and programs to enhance accountability.
Open Government Challenges, Opportunities and Strategic Vision
What is the long-term vision for open government in your context and jurisdiction?
The long-term vision for open government in Kakamega County and its jurisdiction is to foster transparent, accountable, and participatory governance that enhances public trust and drives socio-economic development. This vision involves leveraging technology, public engagement, and legal frameworks to ensure that government operations and decision-making processes are accessible and inclusive.
Key goals include strengthening public participation in budgeting, planning, and policy formulation; improving access to government data and services through digital platforms; and institutionalizing mechanisms for accountability, such as independent audits and citizen feedback systems. The county aims to empower residents to co-create solutions to local challenges, promote equitable resource allocation, and address corruption.
What are the achievements in open government to date (for example, recent open government reforms)?
Kakamega County has made significant strides in promoting transparency, accountability, and public participation. Key achievements include:
- Adoption of Public Participation Policy: The county has developed policies to enhance meaningful public participation and support their involvement in governance. This includes capacity-building programs aimed at equipping residents with the knowledge to engage effectively in public decision-making processes.
- Increased Civic Engagement: Kakamega has emphasized engaging the public in co-creating governance initiatives. This participatory approach ensures that government actions are informed by the needs and insights of the community, in line with this H.E the Governor together with his entire cabinet and all top-ranking county officials and members of the County Assembly held a series of public consultation fora across all the 12 Sub-Counties. The fora were aimed at engaging the public on service delivery, project implementation status, and provision of a platform for immediate and direct feedback from the citizens.
- Collaboration with Global Partners: Through the enactment of the County Administrative JusticeTo address barriers that prevent citizens from having their justice needs met, OGP participating governments are working to expand transparency, accountability, and inclusion into all systems of justi... Bill that established the Office of Ombudsman to facilitate issues of access to information and resolve matters of maladministration to build public trust, and promote citizen engagement and responsive governance.
What are the current challenges/areas for improvement in open government that the jurisdiction wishes to tackle?
Kakamega County has identified several areas for improvement in advancing open governance and fostering development, as outlined in its key strategies and initiatives:
- Transparency and Public Participation: The county is enhancing its public finance management and budget processes to increase accountability and stakeholder involvement. This includes improved dissemination of fiscal plans and fostering greater community participation in decision-making processes.
- Digital GovernanceAs evolving technologies present new opportunities for governments and citizens to advance openness and accountability, OGP participating governments are working to create policies that deal with the ... More: The adoption of e-government services is a priority to streamline service delivery. The county is expanding its ICT infrastructure and automating systems to ensure revenue payment is online and reduce work processes that would have been done manually.
- Access to Information: Kakamega is committed to creating more robust information management systems to ensure timely and accurate communication with the public through the public participation portal. This aligns with the goal of increasing awareness of county projects and policies.
- Economic Empowerment: By integrating community feedback into economic initiatives, such as social grants to support MSMEs, the county is fostering inclusivity and equity in economic opportunities.
- Climate and Environmental Governance: Collaborative efforts, such as the Kakamega Forest Restoration Programme, aim to protect natural resources while involving local communities in conservation activities.
What are the medium-term open government goals that the government wants to achieve?
The County Government of Kakamega’s medium-term open government goals focus on enhancing transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement. Key goals include:
- E-Government Systems: Expanding digital platforms for service delivery, public procurementTransparency in the procurement process can help combat corruption and waste that plagues a significant portion of public procurement budgets globally. Technical specifications: Commitments that aim t... More, and information sharing to promote transparency.
- Public Participation: Strengthening community involvement in decision-making processes, particularly in budgeting and policy formulation through civic education.
- Open DataBy opening up data and making it sharable and reusable, governments can enable informed debate, better decision making, and the development of innovative new services. Technical specifications: Polici... Initiative: Ensuring timely access to data and information on development projects, resource allocation, and expenditure.
- Citizen Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing platforms to address citizen concerns and grievances efficiently.
- Capacity BuildingEnhancing the skills, abilities, and processes of public servants, civil society, and citizens is essential to achieving long-lasting results in opening government. Technical specifications: Set of ac...: Training staff and stakeholders on governance principles and digital literacy to enhance service delivery.
- Partnerships: Collaborating with civil society, private sectorGovernments are working to open private sector practices as well — including through beneficial ownership transparency, open contracting, and regulating environmental standards. Technical specificat... More, and international partners to foster innovative governance solutions.
How does this action plan contribute to achieve the Open Government Strategic Vision?
The Kakamega County Action Plan aligns with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) strategic vision by promoting transparency, accountability, citizen participationAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, citizen participation occurs when “governments seek to mobilize citizens to engage in public debate, provide input, and make contributions that lead to m... More, and innovation in governance. Its key contributions include:
- Enhancing Transparency: By adopting open data initiatives, the action plan ensures public access to information, empowering citizens to hold the county accountable.
- Encouraging Citizen Engagement: The plan integrates mechanisms for participatory budgeting, public forums, and consultations, fostering inclusivity in decision-making.
- Strengthening Accountability: It incorporates anti-corruption measures and performance monitoring tools, ensuring efficient service delivery and integrity in public offices.
- Leveraging Technology: Digital platforms for service delivery and citizen feedback streamline processes and promote efficiency.
- Capacity Building: Training programs for public officials and citizens improve awareness and capacity to engage in governance.
How does the open government strategic vision contribute to the accomplishment of the current administration’s overall policy goals?
Citizen engagement, aligning government actions with public needs.
Promoting access to information enhances trust, making citizens more likely to support and participate in policy initiatives. It encourages collaborative governance by involving stakeholders in decision-making, leading to better-informed and inclusive policies.
This approach also combats corruption by ensuring oversight and reducing opportunities for misuse of public resources. Digitizing government processes under the open government framework improves service delivery, supports economic development, and streamlines operations, reinforcing key administration goals like economic growth, good governance equity, and efficiency. Furthermore, openness in governance strengthens the rule of law and respect for human rightsAn essential part of open government includes protecting the sacred freedoms and rights of all citizens, including the most vulnerable groups, and holding those who violate human rights accountable. T..., essential pillars for sustainable development.
By aligning with principles of good governance, an open government vision directly contributes to the success of administration goals, fostering trust, inclusionOGP participating governments are working to create governments that truly serve all people. Commitments in this area may address persons with disabilities, women and girls, lesbian, gay, bisexual, tr... More, and a responsive public sector.
Engagement and Coordination in the Open Government Strategic Vision and OGP Action Plan
Please list the lead institutions responsible for the implementation of this OGP action plan.
- Office of the Ombudsman/Kakamega Development Trust
- Directorate of Public Participation/Kakamega Community Centre
- Department of Environment, Water, Natural Resources and Climate Change/Kakamega Youth Water Parliame
- Department of Finance, Budget, Economic Planning, ICT, e-government and Communication/Network for R
What kind of institutional arrangements are in place to coordinate between government agencies and departments to implement the OGP action plan?
In Kakamega County, institutional arrangements to coordinate between government agencies and departments for implementing the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan typically involve the following mechanisms:
- County OGP Steering CommitteeThe Steering Committee is OGP’s executive decision-making body. Its role is to develop, promote and safeguard OGP’s values, principles and interests; establish OGP’s core ideas, policies, and ru...: This multi-stakeholder committee includes representatives from the County Executive, County Assembly, and CSOs which oversee the development, implementation, and monitoring of the OGP Action Plan.
- Technical Committee: These are thematic groups aligned with specific OGP commitments, such as public participation, access to information, or budget transparency. They involve technical officers from relevant departments and stakeholders to ensure collaborative implementation.
- County Public Participation Framework: Leveraging structures like ward-level forums, citizens are engaged to provide input and monitor OGP progress, fostering accountability and inclusiveness.
- Interdepartmental Coordination Committees: These foster collaborations among departments to integrate OGP goals into broader development priorities like the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).
- Monitoring and Evaluation Units: These units track progress, generate reports, and facilitate feedback loops among stakeholders.
What kind of spaces have you used or created to enable the collaboration between government and civil society in the co-creation and implementation of this action plan? Mention both offline and online spaces.
The collaboration between government and civil society in the co-creation and implementation of this action plan involved several types of spaces which include:
- Formal Consultative Forums: Structured platforms such as roundtable meetings, public consultations, and workshops where stakeholders discussed policy priorities and co-designed implementation strategies.
- Multi-Stakeholder Committees: Joint committees or working groups composed of representatives from government, civil society, and other stakeholders to oversee planning and implementation.
- Digital Platforms: Online portals and tools that enable transparent communication, document sharing, and feedback from diverse groups across geographical locations.
- Community Engagement Spaces: Local-level fora, town hall meetings, or focus groups to ensure grassroots input in decision-making and alignment with local priorities.
- Capacity-Building Initiatives: Training and knowledge-sharing sessions to build mutual understanding and expertise between sectors for effective collaboration.
What measures did you take to ensure diversity of representation (including vulnerable or marginalized populations) in these spaces?
To ensure diversity of representation in the co-creation of the Kakamega County Action Plan, various measures were implemented. These included targeted stakeholder engagement to include representatives from marginalized groups, such as women, youth, persons with disabilities, and minority communities. Public forums were held across diverse sub-counties to gather input from grassroots communities, ensuring that rural voices were incorporated alongside urban perspectives. Partnerships were established with local civil society organizations and community-based groups to reach underserved populations. Additionally, strategic outreach through multilingual communication ensured inclusivity across linguistic barriers. The county government utilized participatory tools such as focus group discussions and surveys to ensure equitable representation of opinions. By prioritizing transparency and accountability, the process also included mechanisms for feedback and validation from all stakeholders, fostering trust and collective ownership of the action plan. These efforts ensured a broad spectrum of ideas and needs were represented in the final document.
Who participated in these spaces?
The Spaces for Co-Creation initiative under the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Kakamega County involved various stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations (CSOs), citizens, and development partners. This initiative aimed to enhance transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance processes.
Key participants included:
- Kakamega County Government Officials – Local government representatives played a central role in facilitating discussions.
- Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – These groups helped mobilize citizens and advocate for inclusive governance practices.
- Community Representatives and Citizens – Local community members actively participated in the discussions, providing input on governance issues that affect them.
- Development Partners – International organizations supporting open governance and transparency were involved in providing technical assistance and funding.
How many groups participated in these spaces?
How many public-facing meetings were held in the co-creation processCollaboration between government, civil society and other stakeholders (e.g., citizens, academics, private sector) is at the heart of the OGP process. Participating governments must ensure that a dive...?
How will government and non-governmental stakeholders continue to collaborate through the implementation of the action plan?
The government and non-governmental stakeholders will collaborate on the implementation of the Open Government Action Plan for Kakamega County through coordinated and participatory strategies. These include:
- Stakeholder Engagement: Regular forums and workshops to ensure diverse voices, including civil society, private sector, and grassroots organizations, are heard and incorporated into decision-making.
- Transparency and Accountability: Joint efforts to improve public access to government data, budgets, and performance reports, fostering trust and encouraging public participation.
- Capacity Building: Partnerships for training and equipping both government officials and non-state actors with skills in open governance, data management, and public engagement.
- Technology and Innovation: Leveraging digital platforms to enhance citizen interaction, monitor progress, and ensure inclusivity in policy development and service delivery.
- Climate Change: Promoting inclusive decision-making around climate policies. By involving communities, businesses, and NGOs in policy development and implementation, stakeholders will design more effective climate actions that address local needs and priorities.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: Establishing joint mechanisms to track progress, address challenges, and ensure alignment with the county’s development goals.
Please describe the independent Monitoring Body you have identified for this plan.
Under the Open Government Partnership (OGP) framework, independent monitoring bodies are established to ensure transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in implementing action plans. For Kakamega County, the independent monitoring body is typically composed of civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and other stakeholders representing the public. These entities are tasked with tracking the county’s commitments, evaluating progress, and providing feedback to improve governance practices.
In this role, they monitor initiatives such as budget transparency, citizen participation in decision-making, public service deliveryTo ensure that citizens of all groups are better supported by the government, OGP participating governments are working to improve the quality of and access to public services. Commitments in this are... More, and anti-corruption measures. Their responsibilities include conducting public consultations, producing progress reports, and engaging with county officials to address challenges. The ultimate aim is to foster a culture of open governance, enabling residents of Kakamega County to access information and hold leaders accountable for their commitments under the OGP action plan.
Provide the contact details for the independent monitoring body.
- Mr. Muchiri Nyaggah, Executive Director,
What types of activities will you have in place to discuss progress on commitments with stakeholders?
In Kakamega County, as part of its commitments under the Open Government Partnership (OGP), several activities will be adopted to discuss progress with stakeholders, these include:
- Stakeholder Forums and Town Hall Meetings: Regular public forums will be held to engage citizens, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in discussions about ongoing projects, challenges, and achievements.
- Progress Reports and Accountability Sessions: The county government will share periodic updates on commitments, through accountability platforms like community scorecards or participatory budgeting sessions.
- Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups: These groups will bring together government officials, community leaders, and sector representatives to evaluate progress and make recommendations.
- Online Engagement: Social media platforms, county website, and open data portals will be used for transparency and interaction with the public
- Capacity-Building Workshops: This will entail training sessions for stakeholders on their role in monitoring and evaluating commitments.
- Feedback Mechanisms: Hotlines, suggestion boxes, and surveys will be employed to allow stakeholders to provide input directly.
How will you regularly check in on progress with implementing agencies?
Kakamega County will check on progress with implementing agencies of action plans using several approaches which include:
- Regular Progress Reports: Agencies will submit periodic (e.g., monthly or quarterly) reports detailing activities, milestones achieved, challenges, and next steps.
- Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): Establishing an M&E framework with clear indicators and timelines will allow the county to track progress systematically.
- Stakeholder Meetings: Convening regular meetings or workshops to review progress, share updates, and address bottlenecks collaboratively.
- Field Visits: County officials will conduct on-site inspections to assess implementation progress and ensure alignment with plans.
- Digital Monitoring Systems: Technology, such as dashboards or project management tools will be used, to track real-time updates from agencies.
- Performance Audits: Audits to verify the accuracy of reports and assess the impact of implemented activities will be conducted.
- Public AccountabilityAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, public accountability occurs when ”rules, regulations, and mechanisms in place call upon government actors to justify their actions, act upon criticisms ... More Forums: Holding public forums to involve citizens and stakeholders in reviewing implementation outcomes, fostering transparency.
How will you share the results of your monitoring efforts with the public?
Kakamega County will share the results of its monitoring efforts with the public through various channels, such as:
- Official Reports: Publishing detailed monitoring reports on the county’s website for transparency and easy access.
- Community Meetings: Holding public forums or barazas to present and discuss findings directly with residents.
- Local Media: Partnering with local radio, TV stations, and newspapers to disseminate key findings widely.
- Social Media Platforms: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for quick updates and summaries.
- Public Notices: Posting summaries or highlights on notice boards in strategic locations such as markets, schools, and county offices.
- Workshops and Stakeholder Forums: Engaging stakeholders, including NGOs and community leaders, to share results and gather feedback.
Endorsement from Non-Governmental Stakeholders
- Mr.Edward Wambani, Chairperson, Kakamega Civil Society Network
- Mr.Nicholus Anyangu, Coordinator, Kakamega Civil Society Network
- Ms.Lucy Mulombi, Chairperson, Kakamega Disability Caucus
- Mr.Conrad Keya, Executive Director, YSAG
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