Action plan – Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil, 2024 – 2025
Action PlanAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen...: Action plan – Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil, 2024 – 2025
Action Plan Submission: 2024
Action Plan End: December 2025
Lead Institution: Vitória da Conquista City Hall, Civil Cabinet, Municipal Department of Management and Innovation, Government Secretariat, Municipal Communication Secretariat, Municipal Secretariat for TransparencyAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, transparency occurs when “government-held information (including on activities and decisions) is open, comprehensive, timely, freely available to the pub... More, Control and Prevention of Corruption, Municipal Ombudsman
Dec 2028
Date Submitted
12th December 2024
Throughout the city’s history, open government has been a topic of debate and has been strengthened by the participation of citizens and social political movements. Furthermore, with Vitória da Conquista’s entry into the OGP (Open Government PartnershipThe Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on improving government transparency, ensuring opportunities for citizen participation in public matters, and strengthen... More), the current local administration reaffirms its ongoing commitmentOGP commitments are promises for reform co-created by governments and civil society and submitted as part of an action plan. Commitments typically include a description of the problem, concrete action... to promoting the principles of Open Government.
To this end, the government and civil society continued the process of co-creating the 1st Open Government Action Plan, in accordance with the guidelines presented by the OGP, with the aim of delivering the open government action plan and implementing its prioritized commitments.
This Action Plan is a guiding document, bringing together five commitments, whose objective is to contribute to a more open relationship with citizens and civil society entities, through a Social Observatory “Open Conquista”. Its premise is to strengthen initiatives for transparency, accountability and citizen participationAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, citizen participation occurs when “governments seek to mobilize citizens to engage in public debate, provide input, and make contributions that lead to m... More in Municipal Public Management.
The co-creation processCollaboration between government, civil society and other stakeholders (e.g., citizens, academics, private sector) is at the heart of the OGP process. Participating governments must ensure that a dive... for this Plan was carried out in three stages, starting in November 2022, and strengthening with the city’s entry into the OGP in 2024, and also involving dialogue, debate and coordination with the government and civil society in the second and third stages. It reveals the different voices that were present in the discussion spaces about the Open Government partnership, the current scenario, the challenges and the criteria for prioritizing commitments for implementation by 2025.
We believe that there is a long way to go, even considering the initiatives underway. We hope that by opening up government, citizens can become more informed about public affairs. This means that they will be in a better position to monitor and influence decision-making, to assertively collaborate with the government in guiding the best path for implementing public policies.
Open Government Challenges, Opportunities and Strategic Vision
What is the long-term vision for open government in your context and jurisdiction?
In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the municipality of Vitória da Conquista that have reinforced the importance of bringing citizens and civil society closer to the government to collaborate on social policy proposals and decision-making.
These changes are reflected in the initiatives and establishment of normative acts to improve citizen participation, accountability and responsibility, technology and innovation, and transparency. As a result, in 2023, the municipality was recognized with the Silver Seal and the Gold Seal (2024 edition) from the National Public Transparency Program (Association of Members of the Courts of Auditors of Brazil – Atricon).
With the entry of the Municipality into the OGP, discussions with non-governmental actors to open up open government have contributed to and highlighted the importance of a long-term vision to empower citizens on public affairs and, therefore, strengthen the democratic spirit of the population and active participation in the country’s paths.
We understand the need to make an integrated and collaborative effort to:
- disseminate the culture of open government in our municipality;
- create a Social Observatory that reflects all public life to monitor, follow, formulate and decide on social policies;
- influence other administrations and municipalities for a more transparent, participatory and responsible government.
What are the achievements in open government to date (for example, recent open government reforms)?
The following achievements were made in chronological order:
- 2014: Adhesion and Commitment to the Transparent Brazil Program;
- 2015: Procedures for access to information within the scope of the municipality of Vitória da Conquista (Law No. 2,064);
- 2017: RegulationGovernment reformers are developing regulations that enshrine values of transparency, participation, and accountability in government practices. Technical specifications: Act of creating or reforming ... of access to information; Adhesion to the Ombudsman Strengthening Program;
- 2018: 7th municipality with the most transparent public administration in Brazil and the first in Bahia (1st edition of the Transparent Brazil Scale – EBT – 360º), with a score of 9.8;
- 2020: Transparent Brazil Scale Program: Score of 9.87 in the most recent edition; 2nd edition of the EBT: Most transparent municipality in Bahia and sixth in the Brazilian Northeast;
- 2021: Municipal Program for Participation, Protection and Defense of the Rights of Users of Public Services; Integration into the Brazil Team;
- 2022: Municipal Policy on Transparency and Public Integrity (Law No. 2,647); Approval of the methodology for preparing the 1st Government Action Plan; Award for Good Practices and Strategies in Public Policy Management (International Forum of BRIC Municipalities); 1st place in the Marathon in Defense of the Rights of Users of Public Services;
- 2023: Silver Seal of Quality in Public Transparency; Regulation of Municipal Complementary Laws 2,064/2015 and 2,647/2022;
- 2024: Municipal Open Government Program and creation of the Central Open Government Committee; Appointment of members of the Central Open Government Committee and the Local Government Contact Point; Gold Seal of Quality in Public Transparency.
What are the current challenges/areas for improvement in open government that the jurisdiction wishes to tackle?
The main challenges related to the areas of the OGP 2023-2028 strategy are:
- Access to Information: By 2024, the legal frameworks have been established and the Ombudsman Management Panel has been created. The challenge is to increase public access to responses to complaints, providing quantitative and qualitative data on public complaints within the Ombudsman’s Office;
- Civic Space: In the municipality of Vitória da Conquista, there are different mechanisms that favour civil society and civic action (councils and forums). The challenge is to create new spaces to disseminate normative acts and increase popular participation in social control.
- Digital GovernanceAs evolving technologies present new opportunities for governments and citizens to advance openness and accountability, OGP participating governments are working to create policies that deal with the ... More: The City Hall already uses some tools (Transparency Portal, Tudo Fácil and Purchasing Portal) that enable monitoring and oversight of municipal management. Our challenge now is to strengthen transparency, through a system with simple and intuitive language for greater popular participation and access to the different municipal public services for all citizens.
- Public ParticipationGiving citizens opportunities to provide input into government decision-making leads to more effective governance, improved public service delivery, and more equitable outcomes. Technical specificatio...: The City of Vitória da Conquista has made progress in integrating a social participation instrument for the selection of works and services. The challenge now is to institutionalize it by law and create a mechanism for accountability and evaluation of services.
What are the medium-term open government goals that the government wants to achieve?
We understand the need to strengthen initiatives for transparency, accountability and citizen participation in the Municipal Public Management of Vitória da Conquista and that this will contribute to the Municipality becoming a reference in open government, in addition to continuing the commitments established in this Plan. Therefore, we have defined three objectives that contribute to a more open relationship with citizens and civil society organizations:
- improve existing initiatives for open government, aiming to strengthen transparency, streamline the management of public resources more quickly, improve services and promote innovation;
- create conditions and instruments favorable to the development of best practices for public participation in government sectors and processes;
- as a consequence of the first two, increase citizen participation in public affairs, in terms of monitoring and decision-making.
How does this action plan contribute to achieve the Open Government Strategic Vision?
The contribution of this Action Plan to the Open Government Strategic Vision is materialized through the five prioritized commitments, which will be implemented by 31/12/2025, with the following objectives :
- Facilitate citizens’ access to different public services and government information;
- Contribute to more transparent and efficient governance;
- Strengthen civic participation with the implementation of a Virtual Council Room;
- Strengthen relations with citizens for civic participation with the provision of a digital channel for accountability and evaluation of services performed;
- Improve relations with citizens to evaluate the quality of services.
Each commitment is aligned with the values of Open Government: transparency, public accountabilityAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, public accountability occurs when ”rules, regulations, and mechanisms in place call upon government actors to justify their actions, act upon criticisms ... More, public participation and technology and innovation. Likewise, with the challenges of the OGP 2023-2028 strategy (Access to Information; Civic Space; Digital Governance; and Public Participation). It reveals the commitment to open government, with initiatives that ensure conditions for citizens and civil society to access and take ownership of public affairs, so that they can argue, propose and strengthen social control.
It also brings different views and perspectives from the different governmental and non-governmental actors who took part in the co-creation process and who signaled their willingness to follow up, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the five commitments set out in this Plan.
How does the open government strategic vision contribute to the accomplishment of the current administration’s overall policy goals?
Over the past four years, the current administration has been working increasingly to ensure and strengthen public transparency, create better mechanisms for public participation, and accountability, and foster innovation and technology. In this sense, the strategic vision of open government is in line with the work that has been carried out, as it is configured as a model of political-administrative interaction that brings citizens closer to government affairs, placing them at the center of the process, as active subjects in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
Thus, the implementation of the commitments prioritized in this 1st Action Plan will allow for strengthening relations with citizens for civic participation, facilitating citizens’ access to different public services and information, improving relations with citizens to assess the quality of services and contributing to more transparent and efficient governance.
It will also contribute to achieving one of the Sustainable Development GoalsOGP countries are experimenting with open government innovations to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 16+ which includes peaceful, just and inclusive societies... (SDGs), Peace, JusticeTo address barriers that prevent citizens from having their justice needs met, OGP participating governments are working to expand transparency, accountability, and inclusion into all systems of justi... and Strong Institutions, in particular targets 16.5, 16.6, 16.7 and 16.8.
Engagement and Coordination in the Open Government Strategic Vision and OGP Action Plan
Please list the lead institutions responsible for the implementation of this OGP action plan.
- Vitória da Conquista City Hall
- Civil Cabinet
- Municipal Department of Management and Innovation
- Government Secretariat
- Municipal Communication Secretariat
- Municipal Secretariat for Transparency, Control and Prevention of Corruption
- Municipal Ombudsman
What kind of institutional arrangements are in place to coordinate between government agencies and departments to implement the OGP action plan?
The implementation of this Action Plan involves the City Council, through the Civil Cabinet (GAC) and the following departments:
- Municipal Secretariat of Management and Innovation (SEMGI)
- Municipal Secretariat of Transparency, Control and Prevention of Corruption (STPC)
- Government Secretariat (SEGOV)
- Municipal Secretariat of Communication (SECOM)
The monitoring, supervision, and evaluation process will be handled by the Central Committee for Open Government and the Civil Society Supporters Group (Decrees 23,392/2024 and 23,393/2024, together with the Municipal Council for Transparency and Social Control (CMTCS) and the Municipal Council for Users of Public Services (CMUSP).
The Central Committee is composed of six government representatives (GAC; SEMGI; STPC; SEGOV; SECOM) and six non-governmental representatives (CMTCS; CMUSP). The Supporters are represented by the Fiscal EducationAccountability within the public education system is key to improving outcomes and attainment, and accountability is nearly impossible without transparent policies and opportunities for participation ... Research Group (GPEF), linked to the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB) and the Residents’ Association of the Vila Elisa Subdivision (AMVE).
What kind of spaces have you used or created to enable the collaboration between government and civil society in the co-creation and implementation of this action plan? Mention both offline and online spaces.
We used different spaces (virtual and in-person) for the co-creation process of the 1st Open Government Action Plan. We also used Google forms to select and prioritize the commitments made by city councilors. We went through three crucial moments together with government and non-government stakeholders.
The first stage (November 2022 to April 2024) was the planning of the process of joining the OGP.
After joining the OGP, the second phase (April 2020 to August 2024) begins with participation in the Program and the preliminary co-creation process (articulation and formation of the Central Committee; alignment and adaptation of the methodology to the current scenario; publication of the decree).
The third stage (September 2024 to November 2024) comprises the process of co-creation of the Plan (presentation and discussion of the commitments submitted to the OGP; dialogue and guidance on public consultation with councilors; sharing of prioritized commitments; presentation and discussion of the Action Plan of commitments; consolidation of data and information; approval and dissemination of the Plan).
What measures did you take to ensure diversity of representation (including vulnerable or marginalized populations) in these spaces?
To ensure diversity of participants in the Plan’s co-creation spaces, we developed a methodology that involved actors from different areas, both those directly involved in implementing the commitments and those who would help us mobilize the municipal councils.
Civil society was represented at the meetings by members of the councils, the research group, and the residents’ association. In the public consultation to prioritize the commitments, an online questionnaire was made available, in which 55 councilors, representatives of 14 municipal councils that work in the areas of education, social assistance, youthRecognizing that investing in youth means investing in a better future, OGP participating governments are creating meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in government processes. Technical ... More, children and adolescents, health, racial equality, sexual and genderOGP participating governments are bringing gender perspectives to popular policy areas, ensuring diversity in participatory processes, and specifically targeting gender gaps in policies to address gov... More diversity, tourism, among others, contributed with their choices.
Also regarding the consultation process, which was publicized by representatives and advisors of the municipal departments, presidents and vice-presidents of the councils, of the 55 councilors who responded, 58.2% represented the government and 41.8% represented civil society.
Who participated in these spaces?
The following groups participated in the process:
- Central Open Government Committee
- Supporters (Fiscal Education Research Group and Vila Elisa Subdivision Residents Association)
- Representatives of municipal departments (Education; Social Assistance; Economic Development; Management and Innovation; Policies for Women; Education; Health; Urban Mobility; Environment; Culture) and municipal councils (Children and Adolescents, Transparency and Social Control, Health, Youth, Fundeb Monitoring and Social Control Council)
- 55 councilors from 14 municipal chambers (public consultation) to prioritize commitments
How many groups participated in these spaces?
How many public-facing meetings were held in the co-creation process?
How will government and non-governmental stakeholders continue to collaborate through the implementation of the action plan?
Continuing with the methodology used to co-create this Plan, government and civil society representatives will develop initiatives to monitor and evaluate the implementation process of this Plan.
Government representatives, through their departments, will collaborate in the implementation of the plans, always in dialogue with the Central Committee and the Supporters Group, aiming to seek better strategies for the success of the initiatives planned to implement the commitments.
To this end, bimonthly meetings will be held with the TaxPlacing transparency, accountability, and participation at the center of tax policy can ensure that burdens are distributed equitably across society. Technical specifications: Commitments related to c... Education Research Group of the State University of Southwest Bahia, the Residents’ Association of the Vila Elisa Subdivision, the Central Open Government Committee and the Municipal Council for Social Transparency and representatives of the departments responsible for implementing the commitments, as planned in this Plan.
A report will be prepared from each meeting (government and civil society) presenting the level of progress of the commitments, external or internal factors that impacted the implementation process, among other information relevant to the OGP and the Public Administration.
Please describe the independent Monitoring Body you have identified for this plan.
Considering the importance of monitoring, the Municipal Council for Transparency and Social Control was appointed to develop the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM)The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is OGP’s accountability arm and the main means of tracking progress in participating countries. The IRM provides independent, evidence-based, and objective ....
The Municipal Council for Transparency and Social Control was created in 2024, in accordance with article 7 of Municipal Complementary Law 2,647/2022, and is composed of representatives of the Municipal Public Authority and organized civil society, such as the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), the Regional Accounting Council (CRC), higher education institutions and commercial or industrial associations based in Vitória da Conquista.
Provide the contact details for the independent monitoring body.
- Wilton Ferraz dos Santos, Vice President,
What types of activities will you have in place to discuss progress on commitments with stakeholders?
Among the activities carried out, the planning for the implementation of each commitment (actions/initiatives, results, expected completionImplementers must follow through on their commitments for them to achieve impact. For each commitment, OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) evaluates the degree to which the activities outlin... More date and those responsible) stands out, which were presented and approved by the Central Committee for Open Government and the Civil Society Supporters Group formed by Decrees 23,392/2024 and 23,393/2024.
During the sharing of the planning of the prioritized commitments for the preparation of the 1st Open Government Action Plan of the Municipality of Vitória da Conquista, the representatives of Civil Society emphasized the importance of monitoring the activities planned during the periods presented. Thus, at the end of each period of activity, the City Council, represented by the municipal departments (GAC, SEMGI, SEGOV, SECOM, STPC), will hold meetings with the participation of the Central Committee and Supporters to jointly verify the progress of each planned initiative.
How will you regularly check in on progress with implementing agencies?
The municipal departments directly involved in implementing the commitments will provide a bimonthly summary report to the Central Committee and the Supporters Group with information on the progress of activities and the results achieved.
Using the information from the summary report, the Central Committee and the Supporters will analyze and consolidate the monitoring report, which will be published on the OGP Platform and posted on the institutional website of the Municipal Council.
In addition to the collaboration of the Central Committee and the Supporters Group, we will count on the collaboration of representatives of the municipal departments to which the 26 municipal councils are linked, appointed by the departments to align the monitoring and social control actions.
We will also carry out campaigns to publicize the process of implementing the commitments so that governmental and non-governmental actors can monitor, evaluate and collaborate.
How will you share the results of your monitoring efforts with the public?
The City of Vitória da Conquista will publish the results of the commitments prioritized in the Conquista Aberta Observatory, integrated into the institutional website, through an annual report, including progress reports on each commitment. They will also be published on the Open Government Platform and on the city’s official social networks.
Endorsement from Non-Governmental Stakeholders
- Alexssandro Campanha Rocha, Coordinator, State University of Southwest Bahia
- Elias Santos Marinho, Member, State University of Southwest Bahia
- Tainá Ferreira Ferraz, Member, State University of Southwest Bahia
- Simone Lopes de Sena, Member, State University of Southwest Bahia
- Jeferson Silva Santos, President, Vila Elisa Allotment Residents
- Jorge Luiz Santos Fernandes, Councillor, Municipal Transparency and Social Control Council
- Wilton Ferraz dos Santos, Vice President, Municipal Transparency and Social Control Council
- Raimundo Amaral Menezes Filho, Councillor, Municipal Transparency and Social Control Council
- Deginane Moraes Dutra, Councillor, Municipal Transparency and Social Control Council
- Vinicius Lima Silva, Councillor, Municipal Council of Public Service Users
- Osvaldo West Filho, Councillor, Municipal Council of Public Service Users
- Stephanie Jeanine Novais da Silva, Councillor, Municipal Council of Public Service Users
Letter of Support from OGP
Link to the call for public consultation
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