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Action plan – Žabljak, Montenegro, 2025 – 2026



Action Plan: Action plan – Žabljak, Montenegro, 2025 – 2026

Action Plan Submission: 2025
Action Plan End: November 2026

Lead Institution: Mayor, Secretariat for finance and economic development, Secretariat for spatial planning, environmental protection and communal housing affairs, Secretariat for administration and social affairs, Chief Administrator



Nov 2026

Date Submitted

11th February 2025


The Open Government Partnership is an opportunity for civil society organizations and public administration to create a ripple effect in implementing governance reforms, advocating and implementing reform actions in several areas, where recognized challenges are hindering the necessary development and improvement of the work and life environment. Especially in the north of Montenegro, where the population leaves because of these challenges, our commitment is a reflection of both the will and the need to valorize the potential and make Žabljak a desirable place to live. The process is complementary to the EI process, and we see more concrete opportunities to make our administration more open, transparent and responsible in a standardized and rich process, and to improve the environment for the work of the NGO sector in Žabljak and our intersectoral cooperation, as well as communication with citizens.

Open Government Challenges, Opportunities and Strategic Vision

This subsection details the Open Government Strategic Vision in your local area that should guide the commitments for the action plan period.

What is the long-term vision for open government in your context and jurisdiction?

Our goal is to make Žabljak a sustainable, inclusive municipality, with a focus on improving administrative and personnel capacities that will strengthen the open management system.

What are the achievements in open government to date (for example, recent open government reforms)?

  • All contracts concluded by the Municipality of Žabljak are available to the public via this link.
  • Requests, solutions and guides for free access to information are managed by organizational units and are available via this link. 
  • Anti-corruption plans for the Municipality of Žabljak have been adopted and are available via this link.
  • Cases related to public procurement procedures conducted by the Municipality are available via this link.
  • Three services for citizens with the first level of service are available to citizens . They are 24/7 – report a utility problem, ask your local government, ask the president. More on this link.

What are the current challenges/areas for improvement in open government that the jurisdiction wishes to tackle?

There are several areas whose development depends on how responsible and open the administration is, and how much it applies and promotes attitudes and values ​​that foster responsibility, solidarity and tolerance, with the participation of several actors in building an efficient public sector.

Our strategy document covers several such areas, and the challenges we have identified are listed below by area:

  1. Anti-corruption
  • Irregularly updated information that is published online in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information.
  • Insufficient number of trained officials on the application of anti-corruption policy.
  • Insufficiently promoted mechanisms for reporting corruption.
  1. Digitization
  • Absence of e-services with a sophisticated level.

In terms of creating public policies, we have done the following.:

Environmental Protection

  • The urban planning policy is not of high quality, and illegal construction threatens the environment and reduces the tourist development of Žabljak.

Gender equality:

  • Insufficiently developed capacities for conducting gender analysis, defining the gender gap and measuring its closing.
  • Absence of a methodology for leveraging local strategies and capacities to assess the effects of investment on men and women

What are the medium-term open government goals that the government wants to achieve?

Our medium-term goals in the areas of public interest that we treat with AP are:

  • Improving governance at the local level by strengthening open administration and enabling simpler and better access to public data through the introduction of digital processes.
  • Promoting transparency and enabling the public to understand the actions of local self-government.
  • Improving the physical form, economic functions and social impacts of the urban environment.
  • Strengthening of the rational decision-making model – adoption of public policies.
  • Empowering women and achieving gender equality in decision-making.

How does this action plan contribute to achieve the Open Government Strategic Vision?

The obligation in the field of anti-corruption contributes to more transparent management of anti-corruption measures in public procurement procedures, and greater openness of data in the possession of the public administration, while strengthening capacities and mechanisms for fighting corruption at the local level.

The obligation in the area of ​​digitization contributes to the improvement of the provision of local government services to citizens, as well as internal business procedures.

The obligation in the area of ​​public policy creation contributes to the adoption of evidence-based policies, along with capacity building and promotion of the benefits of citizen participation in the creation of local public policies.

The obligation in the field of environmental protection contributes to the construction of an integrated management system in the field of environmental protection.

The obligation in the field of gender equality will contribute to the mapping of the gender gap in programs that are ongoing and that have yet to be conceived, and to the introduction of corrective measures with the aim of achieving a gender-equal, richer and more socially just local community in which all who live in it make optimal use of their potentials.

How does the open government strategic vision contribute to the accomplishment of the current administration’s overall policy goals?

The determination of the local government is to increase the transparency and responsibility of municipal institutions, to increase the integrity of the local sector through the development of new solutions.

In the Municipality of Žabljak, a couple of documents are currently being implemented, which contribute to greater openness of the local government:

Nevertheless, this strategic vision is the first document that treats the openness of local administration in a more comprehensive way and foresees obligations that will improve it at the operational level.

Engagement and Coordination in the Open Government Strategic Vision and OGP Action Plan

Please list the lead institutions responsible for the implementation of this OGP action plan.

  • Mayor
  • Secretariat for finance and economic development
  • Secretariat for spatial planning, environmental protection and communal housing affairs
  • Secretariat for administration and social affairs
  • Chief Administrator

What kind of institutional arrangements are in place to coordinate between government agencies and departments to implement the OGP action plan?

Our Local MSF under the name Municipality of Žabljak and company was established according to the Open Call due to the need to ensure the quality of the process of preparation for membership in the OGP Local initiative and provides a structure for regular, two-way communication between the local administration and non-governmental actors.

The role of MSF is aligned with OGP and the recommendations from the Best Practices Brief: Mechanisms for Joint Creation and Monitoring of the Implementation of the OGP Local Action Plan.

The forum has 13 members, three of whom are NGO representatives. MSF leads the co-creation process and cooperates with the local monitoring body, which officially evaluates the success of the implementation of the POU at the local level.

The Municipality of Žabljak in partnership with the International Republican Institute implements the Project Strengthening capacities and processes for good governance in Montenegro. IRI strives to support Montenegrin authorities to improve their good governance practices in a way that strengthens citizen participation. IRI’s approach is focused on increasing the capacity and opportunities for the local level to identify and address local priorities by establishing Open Government Partnership processes that require consultation and collaboration between government and civil society…

What kind of spaces have you used or created to enable the collaboration between government and civil society in the co-creation and implementation of this action plan? Mention both offline and online spaces.

In co-creating this AP, we invited local civil society organizations to participate in the OGP boot camp. The purpose of the two-day boot camp was to prepare public administration officials, together with civil society representatives, to establish and manage OGP processes. The boot camp provided interactive opportunities for participants to share their experiences in strategic planning, discuss the 12 steps to an effective strategy document, draft a timeline, and simulate a public discussion of their . Working in small groups, participants identified three commitments (priorities for AP). They also practiced the implementation of stakeholder analysis and the procedure of public consultations.

Civil society organizations are invited to be members of the local multisectoral forum Žabljak Municipality and Society. In the first phase, two of them applied, and during the co-creation of AP, another NGO representative became a member of MSF.

MSF’s role were:

  • conducting preliminary consultations on the Local Action Plan
  • review of received comments and suggestions,
  • providing feedback to consultation participants,
  • proposing measures and activities for LAP
  • informing the public about the activities and results achieved in the work of the Forum,
  • participation in the public debate on the LAP ,
  • monitoring of LAP implementation,
  • cooperation with a local monitoring body that independently assesses and assesses the success of the POU…


What measures did you take to ensure diversity of representation (including vulnerable or marginalized populations) in these spaces?

Representation in our POU local process refers to actors representing the interests of vulnerable groups being included in the process from the outset. Our process is open to people of different faiths, ages, ethnicities, genders…

The Association of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities Nada and the Association of Pensioners Žabljak are NGO representatives in the Forum. Nine MSF members are women and four members are men

Who participated in these spaces?

The following participated in the process of co-creating the AP:

  • citizens
  • CSOs
  • local government units (5)
  • state institutions (Ministry of Public Administration, Agency for Prevention of Corruption)
  • Independent agencies (Agency for the Protection of Personal Data and Free Access to Information)

How many groups participated in these spaces?


How many public-facing meetings were held in the co-creation process?


How will government and non-governmental stakeholders continue to collaborate through the implementation of the action plan?

MSF Municipality of Žabljak and society will, through the implementation of their regular activities, enable the comprehensive management of the POU initiative at the local level in cooperation with non-governmental actors.The forum will be constantly open for new members, who can contribute to better action and representation of ideas, activities and interests that are important for the community and the POU initiative.The MSF was formed to achieve continuity in action that aligns with the needs of managing the POU process in each of the phases – from preliminary consultations to reporting on the implementation of the AP.

The work methodology of this body includes:

  • holding consultative thematic intersectoral meetings,
  • holding thematic workshops, as needed,
  • interviews with holders and/or users of measures and activities, as needed.

The forum aims to promote a constructive, ongoing dialogue on open governance between local government and local civil society organizations. The work of this Forum will be supported by the International Republican Institute IRI, within the project “Strengthening capacities and processes for good governance in Montenegro”, which is being implemented with the aim of contributing to the further development of reforms within public administration institutions, in order to, in cooperation with civil society organizations responded to the needs of citizens in a quality and efficient manner.

Please describe the independent Monitoring Body you have identified for this plan.

MSF leads the co-creation process and will cooperate with a local monitoring body that independently assesses and evaluates the success of the OGP at the local level.

The NGO Aktivna Zona will externally monitor the process of co-creation and implementation of the AP, and promote the OGP initiative in Žabljak. This NGO deals with the affirmation of civic activism, the establishment of permanent cooperation and partnerships between all community actors to build a responsible society.

The NGO Aktivna Zona works to improve the cooperation of civil society organizations with local self-government and other institutions at the local and national level, monitors the transparency and efficiency of their work, affirms the participation of citizens in decision-making processes, and connects relevant social actors to solve common problems.

Provide the contact details for the independent monitoring body.

What types of activities will you have in place to discuss progress on commitments with stakeholders?

The following activities will be carried out to monitor progress in the implementation of the AP:

  • Conducting an initial assessment of the process of joint development of the POU
  • Development of plans for the implementation of obligations contained in the AP
  • Monitoring the co-management of those plans
  • Writing progress reports that accompany AP implementation
  • Implementation of advocacy campaigns that raise public awareness of AP obligations and progress in implementation
  • Observation of the work and sessions of the MSF, assessment of the implementation of the principles of good management in the implementation of the POU process and the approach to intersectoral cooperation at the local level
  • Assessment of the relevance of AP obligations
  • Participation in the dialogue on POU at the local and state level, and participation in regional and international POU events
  • Collection of evidence and evaluation of the process of the achieved participation of non-governmental actors, that is, the joint preparation of AP
  • Organizing an event (workshop) in which all the bearers of AP realization participate, in order to reflect on the process of creation and realization of AP and to identify challenges and ways of solving them, as well as good practices that can be applied.

How will you regularly check in on progress with implementing agencies?

The contact person will be in charge of coordinating activities related to AP implementation. This role is crucial and multidimensional, this person is most responsible for coordinating the implementation of all activities within the local self-government, but also towards the public and the POU support unit.

Some of the key responsibilities and activities are:

  • coordination of continuous participation of non-governmental organizations and non-governmental actors in the implementation of POU
  • coordination of local self-government services and other competent institutions in all activities related to the implementation of the POU
  • regular communication and cooperation with the POU Local Program Support Unit
  • regular publication of information on the process of joint preparation, implementation of measures and achieved results from the Local Action Plan
  • participation in learning activities and exchange of good practices in other local self-governments that are members of POU

The local monitoring body will additionally collect evidence from the activity holders and evaluate the results of the completed AP obligations.

How will you share the results of your monitoring efforts with the public?

Monitoring results will be publicly available through various channels, including:

Endorsement from Non-Governmental Stakeholders

  • Slobodan Anđelić, President, Udruženje roditelja djece i omladine sa teškoćama u razvoju ,,Nova nada- New hope’’
  • Ognjen Šljivančanin, President, Udruženje penzionera Žabljak
  • Veljko Grbović, President, Turističko ekološka organizacija ,,Durmitor”
  • Miloš Marković, Executive Director, NVO Aktivna zona


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Open Government Partnership