Creating OGP’s Future Together: Phase 1 Report

We launched our 2023-2028 strategy development process in May to apply the lessons learned from our first decade to meet the current and future challenges open government reformers face.
Since the launch, over 800 people have contributed through various channels. As we wrap up Phase 1, explore what we’ve heard so far and learn about the ways you can contribute in the next phase.
Check out the full Phase 1 Report as a PDF here or in Google Docs here. |
What We’ve Heard
There is a lot to distill from the rich and wide-ranging contributions received, but here are some overarching findings so far:
- Open government values and approaches remain vital, but OGP should have a more strategic focus in its second decade to get to greater impact.
- OGP should remain a broad platform for governments, civil society, and partners to pursue reforms suitable for their context but should focus on key policy areas where the full Partnership is encouraged and incentivized to make progress.
- Policy areas that featured prominently in the consultations include anti-corruption, digital governanceAs evolving technologies present new opportunities for governments and citizens to advance openness and accountability, OGP participating governments are working to create policies that deal with the ... More, climate change, and public services, in addition to a cross-cutting emphasis on improving citizen participationAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, citizen participation occurs when “governments seek to mobilize citizens to engage in public debate, provide input, and make contributions that lead to m... More in policymaking.
- OGP can increase impact by growing, strengthening, and supporting the coalition of open government reformers, investing in their leadership capabilities and other skills, and working more effectively to seize windows of political opportunity.
- OGP should strengthen incentives for stronger open government performance. Ideas to do so include: improving understanding of political incentives and value propositions that work; establishing norms, benchmarks, standards, or maturity models to incentivize a race to the top; and reassessing the incentives set by OGP’s rules and standards and the current action planAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen... model to foster greater ambitionAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, OGP commitments should “stretch government practice beyond its current baseline with respect to key areas of open government.” Ambition captures the po... and innovation, within and beyond OGP action plans.
- To achieve change, strengthening political support, addressing declining civic space, and mobilizing resources for the community emerged as key enabling conditions.
What’s Next
- The OGP Support UnitThe OGP Support Unit is a small, permanent group of staff that work closely with the Steering Committee and the Independent Reporting Mechanism to advance the goals of the Open Government Partnership.... (under the guidance of the Steering Committee’s Task Force for the Strategy) will distill the findings of this report into potential emerging strategic directions to form the basis of the Phase 2 consultations.
- The OGP Steering CommitteeThe Steering Committee is OGP’s executive decision-making body. Its role is to develop, promote and safeguard OGP’s values, principles and interests; establish OGP’s core ideas, policies, and ru... will then discuss these at their retreat on October 13-14.
- We will seek input from the community to validate or challenge the findings from this Phase 1 report and identify the potential emerging strategic directions.
- All the inputs will then be combined with resourcing scenarios, implementation feasibility, and potential for greater impact to develop a draft strategy that will be available for public consultation in December 2022 and remain open for input until February.
How You Can Contribute to Phase 2
- Tell us whether the findings and emerging directions presented in this report resonate or not. In a few days, we will launch a process to gather feedback and comments on the report online. In the meantime, you can post comments below or in Google Docs here.
- Join our strategy sessions at the OGP regional meetings:
- Americas (September 26-29, with a dedicated session on September 28)
- Europe (October 11-12, with a dedicated session on October 12)
- Africa and the Middle East (November 1-3, with information on the strategy session forthcoming)
- Join our next set of community dialogues:
- We invite you to review the findings of this report in advance of the session and the paper outlining the emerging strategic directions as discussed with the OGP Steering Committee.
- We are holding several public sessions to accommodate different time zones and languages across the Partnership. Please register below for your preferred session.
- Send feedback, suggestions, comments, and questions at any time to
Comments (3)
Jean N'Douffou Reply
Jusqu’ici, les attentes des parties prenantes à l’OGP sont bien prises en compte. Je pense cependant qu’un mécanisme opérationnel doit être mis en place pour:
1- vérifier qu’il y a effectivement une co-construction des PAN dans toutes les localités ayant accepté d’adopter le concept OGP, c’est-à-dire qu’au-delà des assurances données par les gouvernements, il devrait y avoir des équipes de collecte de données sur le terrain pour vérifier que les citoyens ont été pris en compte en amont, dès le départ avec l’élaboration du PAN. Très souvent, les PAN apparaissent comme des documents flous construits dans les coulisses et qui n’ont vraiment rien à avoir avec les attentes des populations, alors que l’esprit de l’OGP consiste essentiellement à mettre le citoyen au cœur de la gouvernance publique
2- vérifier que, tout au long du processus de mise en œuvre d’un PAN, le citoyen est toujours consulté et totalement impliqué, par un travail de suivi assidu au contact avec les citoyens triés sur le volet comme si nous étions dans un sondage sans échantillon. Cette méthode permettra de présenter les failles communicationnelles de certaines stratégies de travail à l’échelle nationale ou locale, et de les corriger tout au long du processus, par des recommandations appropriées
3- enfin, vérifier l’impact réel de la mise en œuvre des engagements de chaque PAN. Impact en termes de théorie de changement, donc en termes de résultat quantifiable et observable à moyen ou long terme. La question nous ramène au point de départ, car une bonne formulation du PAN devrait normalement intégrer une bonne théorie de changement axée sur le citoyen lambda. Donc en aval, nous devrions pouvoir observer des changements systémiques et structurels qui engageront le citoyen dans une approche transversale de la gouvernance publique.
en ayant ces éléments à l’esprit, la stratégie globale de l’OGP pour la décennie à venir pourra porter plus de fruits. autrement, elle ressemblera aux autres stratégies sans tête ni queue qui consistent désormais à apporter des fonds perdus à certaines entités floues qui choisissent elles-mêmes les gens qui doivent les évaluer, dans l’intention de ne point ouvrir la gouvernance à ceux à qui elle est destinée, savoir les citoyens.
Jean N'Douffou Reply
Félicitations encore! merci pour le travail énorme abattu.
Gladys Estela Riveros Rojas Reply
Entiendo, Los valores y enfoques de gobierno abierto siguen siendo vitales, pero OGP debería tener un enfoque más estratégico en su segunda década para lograr un mayor impacto.
Se debe desentrañar son varias ideas.
a) La importancia de los valores y enfoque establecidos en Gobierno Abierto.
b) Para Gobierno Abierto es de vital importancia los valores y enfoque como objeto de estrategia.
c) Se debe evaluar los resultado obtenidos como estrategia para la segunda década de la OGP.