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End of Commitment Report – Development of digital competencies of the community residents and formation of their digital culture.


Name of Evaluator

Romana Mykhailyshyn


Member Name

Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Action Plan Title

Action plan – Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, 2021 – 2025


Development of digital competencies of the community residents and formation of their digital culture.


Development of digital competencies of the community residents and formation of their digital culture.


The commitment fulfillment provides next actions: Implementation of the project


Today, some electronic services are available to citizens, both at the state and local levels, but the activity in use and awareness of the benefits of a particular service is low, especially in rural areas. In the villages, there are no comfortable spaces for public interaction, where people can study, communicate, consult with the help of modern information technologies with Internet access.This commitment addresses a problem of insufficient level of digital competencies of the Khmelnytskyi city territorial community residents.

Section 1.
Commitment completion

1.1 What was the overall level of progress in the commitment implementation at the time of this assessment?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

In 2021, the Concept for the Development of Digital Competencies among the Residents of the Khmelnytskyi City Territorial Community was implemented.
The municipality summarized the work of libraries in the field of digital education and established digital education hubs in the libraries of the Khmelnytskyi community. This initiative included the registration of six village libraries in addition to the libraries located in the city. As part of the modernization of rural libraries into smart libraries, laptops were purchased, and high-speed optical internet was installed.
In 2022, the libraries conducted a series of webinars focused on information and cybersecurity for users.
By 2024, employees from 11 libraries had improved their skills in training others to utilize electronic services effectively. Overall, the libraries offer free internet access and provide guidance and assistance in using online services, including paying utility bills, online shopping and so on.

Provide evidence that supports and justifies your answer:

The Concept for the Development of Digital Competencies

1.2 Describe the main external or internal factors that impacted implementation of this commitment and how they were addressed (or not).

The fulfillment of this commitment relied on both external and internal factors.
External factors included the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021. While it presented challenges for the municipality, it also heightened the need to develop digital competencies for accessing health and social services, online education, and remote work.
Additionally, the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine negatively impacted the implementation of this commitment, slowing progress but ultimately not halting it.
Positive external factor was that the measures associated with this commitment were aligned with national initiatives, such as Diia.Digital Education. This alignment facilitated the implementation of solutions that adhere to modern state standards.
Internal factors included a comprehensive network of libraries throughout the city and surrounding villages, which served as a significant advantage in fulfilling the commitment.
However, librarians possessed varying levels of digital skills, prompting the municipality to address this issue by conducting training sessions.
The availability of technical resources in digital education hubs also played a vital role. Not all libraries were equipped with the necessary technology, and acquiring such equipment placed additional financial burdens on the municipality.

1.3 Was the commitment implemented as originally planned?

All of the commitment milestones were implemented as planned

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The description of the municipality shows that it has made significant progress in fulfilling its commitment to developing the digital competencies of its residents. Key activities, such as the creation of digital education hubs in libraries, modernisation of rural libraries, cybersecurity training webinars and librarian training, demonstrate a systematic approach to the implementation of the commitment.

Section 2.
Did it open government?

2.1.1. – Did the government disclose more information; improve the quality of the information (new or existing); improve the value of the information; improve the channels to disclose or request information or improve accessibility to information?


Degree of result:


Explanation: In narrative form, what has been the impact on people or practice.

By creating digital education hubs in libraries, community members have gained significantly more opportunities to learn and use modern technologies. Rural libraries, modernised in the format of smart libraries, have become accessible knowledge centres even for the most remote settlements. High-speed internet and new equipment have opened the door to the digital world for many people who previously experienced an information vacuum.
In addition, training webinars and the use of e-services have significantly raised awareness among residents about safe internet use and the effective use of digital services. Librarians who have received special training have become reliable assistants for those who are just starting to learn digital skills. Thanks to their support, the community has gained new opportunities – from online utility payments to making a doctor’s appointment or submitting applications through electronic portals.
These initiatives have helped to improve the quality of information: people have a better understanding of how to obtain the data they need through digital channels. Improved access to information has also influenced the practices of residents – they have become more active in using online services to solve everyday tasks. Thus, the municipality has created a foundation for the development of a digital society.

2.1.2. – Did the government create new opportunities to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation inform or influence decisions; improve existing channels or spaces to seek feedback from citizens/enable participation/ inform or influence decisions; create or improve capabilities in the government or the public aimed to improve how the government seeks feedback from citizens/enables participation/ or allows for the public to inform or influence decisions?

Not Applicable

2.1.3 Did the government create or improve channels, opportunities or capabilities to hold officials answerable to their actions?

Not Applicable

2.1.4 Other Results

Not Applicable

2.2 Did the commitment address the public policy problem that it intended to address as described in the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment directly addresses the problems described in the action plan and is well-targeted at removing barriers that hinder the development of digital literacy and access to e-services. The main goal (to overcome the low level of engagement with e-services and to provide convenient spaces for learning and interaction) is reflected in the measures implemented.
The commitment successfully combines digital literacy with infrastructure development, especially in rural areas.

Section 3.
Lessons from

3. Provide at least one lesson or reflection relating to the implementation of this commitment. It can be the identification of key barriers to implementation, an unexpected help/hindrance, recommendations for future commitments, or if the commitment should be taken forward to the next action plan.

Key lessons and conclusions:
1. Addressing low digital literacy requires a long-term approach. Despite implementing infrastructure changes and training programs, a significant number of people still do not engage in digital education for various reasons, such as elderly residents who doubt the relevance of learning. This highlights the need for sustained efforts to gradually build trust in electronic services.
2. There is also a pressing need to enhance technical support for libraries and other institutions that will serve as hubs for digital education.

Commitment to this initiative should be included in the next action plan, focusing on expanding the network of hubs, increasing the availability of equipment, and enhancing the curriculum. To encourage participation,municipalty could introduce certification for training participants or offer free resources to those who successfully complete courses. Additionally, engaging local businesses and NGOs can help raise more resources for the development of digital education, including through grants and volunteer initiatives.

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