Inception Report – Action plan – Tarkwa Nsuaem, Ghana, 2022 – 2024
- Action Plan: Action plan – Tarkwa Nsuaem, Ghana, 2022 – 2027
Name of Evaluator
Dr Frank Boateng
Member Name
Tarkwa Nsuaem, Ghana
Action PlanAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen... Title
Action plan – Tarkwa Nsuaem, Ghana, 2022 – 2024
Section 1.
Compliance with
co-creation requirements
1.1 Does a forum exist?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The Municipal has constituted a Technical Committee which was responsible for designing a roadmap for the co-creation processes, identifying the thematic areas for co-creation, and constituting a Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSF).
There was a multi-stakeholder forumRegular dialogue between government and civil society is a core element of OGP participation. It builds trust, promotes joint problem-solving, and empowers civil society to influence the design, imple... in place which was responsible for developing the various commitments for the Action Plan and ensuring an effective implementation of the Plan.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
1.2 Is the forum multi-stakeholder?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The forum is a multi-stakeholder one as it involved representatives of various stakeholders including civil society organizations, the Municipal Assembly, traditional authorities, assembly members, women groups, people with disability, youthRecognizing that investing in youth means investing in a better future, OGP participating governments are creating meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in government processes. Technical ... More groups, and the private sectorGovernments are working to open private sector practices as well — including through beneficial ownership transparency, open contracting, and regulating environmental standards. Technical specificat... More. The selection of the multi-stakeholder forums was also based on the four thematic areas chosen for the co-creation.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
1.3 Does the forum hold at least one meeting with civil society and non-governmental stakeholders during the co-creation of the action plan?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The Forum had two different meetings during the co creation process. The first meeting was a two-day meeting for orientation and development of the commitments. The second meeting was for the final discussion of the draft Action Plan and approval of the draft plan. A town hall meeting was also organized to disseminate the final Plan to the public.
1.4 Has the action plan been endorsed by the stakeholders of the forum or steering committeeThe Steering Committee is OGP’s executive decision-making body. Its role is to develop, promote and safeguard OGP’s values, principles and interests; establish OGP’s core ideas, policies, and ru.../group?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
A meeting was held with the Multi Stakeholder Forum where the Technical Committee led by the government point of contact made a presentation of the draft local action plan to members for final discussion and acceptance before its submission to the OGP. The Plan was therefore endorsed by the chair of the Multi stakeholders Forum namely the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Benjamin Kessie, The Municipal Coordinating Director, the Government Point of Contact, the partnered civil society organization, Friends of The Nation and the representative from the traditional council.
Provide evidence for your answer:
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
- Interviews, website and reports.
Section 2.
Recommended practices
in co-creation
2.1 Does the government maintain a Local OGP website or webpage on a government website where information on the OGP Local process (co-creation and implementation) is proactively published?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
To enhance citizen’s access to information, a special website has been designed within the assembly website specifically for OGP activities. Additionally, other social media platforms of the Assembly such us Facebook was regularly updated to disseminate the Assembly’s activities to the public. These platforms are always active and accessible to the public.
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2.2 Did the government provide information to stakeholders in advance to facilitate informed and prepared participation in the co-creation processCollaboration between government, civil society and other stakeholders (e.g., citizens, academics, private sector) is at the heart of the OGP process. Participating governments must ensure that a dive...?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The Municipal Assembly provided invitation letters to members of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum with two weeks’ notice prior to the meeting for effective preparation ahead of each co creation activity. Also members were regularly updated on the Forum’s WhatsApp Platform on the co creation processes and meetings.
Provide evidence for your answer:
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
- Interview with members of the Forum, invitation letters as well as update on Forum’s WhatsApp platform.
2.3 Did the government ensure that any interested member of the public could make inputs into the action plan and observe or have access to decision-making documentation?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
Aside form the Multi-Stakeholder Forum, a town hall meeting was held to update the public on the OGP co-creation process to receive feedback from the public. A client service contact of the Assembly is also provided to the public to give opportunity to interested individuals who wish to provide additional inputs to the action plan.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
2.4 Did the government proactively report back or provide written feedback to stakeholders on how their contributions were considered during the creation of the action plan?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
A multi-stakeholder review meeting was held to present an update of the Plan for further discussions and approval. Also, members of the Forum were regularly updated on the Forum’s WhatsApp Platform by the Government Point of Contact and receive feedback from members.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
- Interview
- Website
- Reports
- Review meeting
2.5 Was there an iterative dialogue and shared ownership between government and non-governmental stakeholders during the decision making process, including setting the agenda?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The entire co-creation process was collectively done by the various stakeholders through the Multi-Stakeholder Forum. The co-creation of commitmentOGP commitments are promises for reform co-created by governments and civil society and submitted as part of an action plan. Commitments typically include a description of the problem, concrete action... was done with participation of all members of the forum. The partnered civil Society organization, Friends of the Nation was very instrumental in the co creation process by providing technical and financial support in the process.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
- Interviews
- Forum’s WhatsApp platform
2.6 Would you consider the forum to be inclusive and diverse?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The forum was highly inclusive as selection of membership to the Forum was based on the thematic areas identified for the co-creation. Membership of the forum had fair ideas and knowledge of the issues identified for co-creation. The meeting for co creation of the commitments was very interactive as members had fair opportunity to share their ideas.
Provide references here (e.g. interviews):
Section 3.
Initial evaluation
of commitments
1 Commitment :
Enhance civic participation in procurement and contract management
1.1 Is the commitment verifiable?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The commitment is verifiable as it provides clear identifiable strategies in achieving the commitment objectives. Citizens and the monitoring body will be able to assess the number of engagements and forums organized , number of projects implemented, level of citizens participation in the Assembly’s activities and the impact of the commitment in ensuring transparent and accountable governance .
1.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevanceAccording to the OGP Articles of Governance, OGP commitments should include a clear open government lens. Specifically, they should advance at least one of the OGP values: transparency, citizen partic... to OGP values?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
Inclusive participation: This commitment will allow for diversity in the selection of projects to include the catchment and non-catchment communities. The commitment will identify priority projects and propose appropriate solutions through the utilization of mineral resources.
Accountability: The commitment will provide clear information about the results of consultation processes and outcomes of commitment implementation as possible reasons for the selected interventions will be disclosed for feedback.
TransparencyAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, transparency occurs when “government-held information (including on activities and decisions) is open, comprehensive, timely, freely available to the pub... More: Information regarding MDF applications, activities, decisions and outcomes will be easily accessible by all interested stakeholders and citizens the Assembly will regularly publish and disseminate information to the public through sensitization, stakeholder engagement and on the Assembly’s website and other social media Platforms.
1.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislationCreating and passing legislation is one of the most effective ways of ensuring open government reforms have long-lasting effects on government practices. Technical specifications: Act of creating or r..., policies or requirements.
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The municipality is bedeviled with numerous developmental challenges ranging from social, economic, infrastructure to governance. Meanwhile, resources available to address these challenges including the MDF are limited. Major mining companies in the municipality, i.e., Gold Fields Ghana Limited, AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine and Ghana Manganese Company Limited concentrate mostly on their operational communities in the implementation of their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). Prioritized needs of the operational communities are addressed through the mining companies’ CSR especially in the areas of social amenities to enhance their living standards hence the impact of the Assembly is minimal. Inhabitants of communities that are not directly affected by mining are mostly deprived of benefits from the CSR. This commitment will therefore help the Assembly commit other resources to focus on other non-catchment areas to avoid duplication to ensure fair distribution of mineral resources to benefit all.
1.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
Will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
This commitment relates to the Municipal Assembly’s long-term goal of establishing a robust system to enhance transparency, inclusiveness and participation of stakeholders and citizens towards project sustainability. The commitment will also help shape the existing norm by ensuring fair distribution of resources to benefit all within the Municipality especially in ensuring equitable access to quality water and service delivery. Citizens will also be regularly updated on the various communication platforms of the Assembly to enhance citizens aces to relevant information.
1.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?
The Municipal to openly disclose its MDF revenue to the public through an electronic accountability board at each zonal council to enhance transparency and accountability of the Mineral Development Fund (MDF) and its utilization.
2 Commitment :
Establish synergy with the public and private sector to improve transparency and accountability in water services delivery.
2.1 Is the commitment verifiable?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The commitment is verifiable as citizens and the monitoring body will be able to assess the level of collaboration between the Assembly and the private sector in ensuring access to safe and hygienic drinking water sources. The commitment will also be verified through the number of mechanized boreholes constructed by both the Assembly and the private sector, the level of citizens participation and improved feedback mechanisms.
2.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
Civic participation: This commitment will enhance civic participation as it will create a platform for all stakeholders and communities especially the vulnerable groups to meaningfully participate in the water services delivery and also enhance access to information regarding water services delivery.
2.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The Local Governance Act, 2016, (Act 936) permits MMDAs to collaborate with private and state-owned enterprises operating in the district to carry out any commercial activity that falls within the scope of their respective functions and as well determine the allocation of the cost and benefits in respect of that activity. This commitment will seek to enhance the collaboration between all stakeholders and the Municipal Assembly to improve on the water service delivery to the people.
2.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
Will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
This commitment relates to the Municipal Assembly’s long-term goal of establishing a robust system to enhance transparency, inclusiveness and participation of stakeholders and citizens towards project sustainability. It will also ensure that the Municipal Assembly commits to its vision of ensuring an effective collaboration with all stakeholders especially the private sector to ensure a clean, hygienic and safe water sources and facilitate equitable access to quality water and service delivery to the citizenry.
2.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?
- The need for the Assembly to ensure an effective maintenance culture of existing water facilities.
- The need to empower and build the community water and sanitationOGP participating governments are in a unique position to address many of the root causes of water issues, including corruption and poor quality, as well as lack of prioritization, access, equity, and... committees to ensure the sustainability of the various water facilities
3 Commitment :
Improve the participation of women and other vulnerable groups in governance.
3.1 Is the commitment verifiable?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The commitment is verifiable as citizens and the monitoring body will be able to track progress of implementation of this commitment. Is will include the number of programs organized to empower women in the Municipality, the level of participation of women and vulnerable groups in the decision-making process of the Assembly and the genre responsiveness of the Assembly’s Annual Composite Plan and Budget.
3.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
GenderOGP participating governments are bringing gender perspectives to popular policy areas, ensuring diversity in participatory processes, and specifically targeting gender gaps in policies to address gov... More Equity: Implementation of this commitment will create enabling environment to allow women and marginalized groups fairly represented at all levels of decision making and enhance gender mainstreaming.
Civic participation: The commitment when implemented will ensure effective participation of groups that are traditionally underrepresented to meaningfully participate in the OGP process, identify priorities, and propose solutions to issues that affects their own lives.
3.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
A continuation of the ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The Assembly as part of efforts to improve the lives of the vulnerable, is implementing the government-initiated Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty Programme (LEAP) by providing cash and health insurance incentives to extremely poor households. There is also a dedicated toll-free line for receiving and addressing issues related to women and the less privileged.
There is also a constitutional requirement to have a women representative at the General Assembly
3.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
Will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
This commitment relates to the National Policy Framework i.e., Agenda for Jobs which is to ensure the protection of women’s access, participation and benefits in all socio-economic related issues and also Improve access to educationAccountability within the public education system is key to improving outcomes and attainment, and accountability is nearly impossible without transparent policies and opportunities for participation ..., health and skills training in income-generating activities for vulnerable persons. The commitment will deepen the Assembly commitment to giving the vulnerable in society especially women and people with disability fair representation in decision making process of the Assembly and enhance their access to basic social amenities such as water another economic opportunity. The commitment will also enhance the Assembly’s compliance with the Disability Act to enhance inclusionOGP participating governments are working to create governments that truly serve all people. Commitments in this area may address persons with disabilities, women and girls, lesbian, gay, bisexual, tr... More in decision making and protection of all forms of discrimination.
3.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?
Need for an affirmative action to enhance more women participation in decision making process of the Assembly.
4 Commitment :
Increase transparency, accountability and equitability in the application of mineral resources
4.1 Is the commitment verifiable?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
The commitment is verifiable as there will be easy tracking of implementation status of the commitments. This will include the level of public participationGiving citizens opportunities to provide input into government decision-making leads to more effective governance, improved public service delivery, and more equitable outcomes. Technical specificatio... and inclusion in the procurement and contracting process of the Assembly, citizens access to information regarding the procurement process of the Assembly through improved technology and innovation that limit human interface and the level of the Assembly’s disclosure of procurement data, contract records and information to ensure citizens’ understanding and satisfaction of procurement processes to promote transparency.
4.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
Transparency: The commitment is relevant to transparency as it will ensure openness in the procurement process of the Assembly and enhance citizens trust in the governing system as information regarding the procurement process will be published in all relevant forms to the citizens
Public participation: The commitment is relevant to public participation as it will allow citizens and stakeholders and understand and actively participate in the procurement processes, identify priorities, and propose solutions regarding public procurementTransparency in the procurement process can help combat corruption and waste that plagues a significant portion of public procurement budgets globally. Technical specifications: Commitments that aim t... More and contract management at the local level.
4.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
There is an existing mechanism to include stakeholders or direct beneficiaries of a project from the initiation/planning stage to site selection, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages of the procurement process. This mechanism needs to be reinforced to make it more effective by building up the capacities of members to be up to speed with new innovations that will enhance transparency in the procurement process and contract management. This commitment will, however, enhance effective participation of citizens in the governance process and also improve on citizens access to information regarding the procurement processes of the Assembly.
4.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:
Will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).
Provide a brief explanation of your answer:
This commitment relates to the government’s goal to ensure fairness, transparency and non-discrimination in public procurement in order to promote a competitive local industry and increase the confidence of varied stakeholders in public procurement processes. There is also inadequate disclosure of information to prospective bidders or suppliers, though the initial stage of the public procurement process is advertised in the dailies.
This commitment will therefore enhance the Assembly’s compliance to the Public Procurement Act to ensure transparency in the procurement process of the Assembly.
4.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?
There are no additional recommendations.
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