Independent Reporting Mechanism – Results Report

Why is this helpful?
The results report supports accountability and learning. It assesses the level of completionImplementers must follow through on their commitments for them to achieve impact. For each commitment, OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) evaluates the degree to which the activities outlin... More of action planAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen... commitments and checks compliance with OGP standards and criteria. For example, the level of meaningful engagement and collaboration with in-country stakeholders throughout implementation. It includes insights and lessons on how change happens and the enablers or constraints in implementing promising open government reforms.
Who is this for?
The IRM team and researcher work together for over a year. In-country stakeholders participate in interviews and provide feedback on a draft results report. Results reports inform a country’s action plan process design.
What is it?
The results report contains:
- an analysis of external and internal factors that may have impacted implementation of the action plan and how they were addressed
- an overview assessment of completion for all commitments
- analysis of the results of implementation of promising commitments including what enabled or inhibited change or results (commitments not identified as promising in the action plan review that had significant results as implemented will be included)
- assessment of co-creation and participation processes throughout the OGP cycle
- lessons, insights and reflections on the action plan implementation including recommendations for the future
- a list of all the action plan’s commitments, coded and clustered, with the level of completion for each
When does it happen?
Research for the results report starts after the first year of implementation. The final results report is published four months after the end of the action plan implementation period.
How do we do it?
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- The IRM team perform a check-in one year into implementation, reviewing a country’s online repositoryAccess to relevant information is essential for enabling participation and ensuring accountability throughout the OGP process. An OGP repository is an online centralized website, webpage, platform or ... and engaging with the country’s multi-stakeholder forumRegular dialogue between government and civil society is a core element of OGP participation. It builds trust, promotes joint problem-solving, and empowers civil society to influence the design, imple... and government point of contact.
- The IRM researcher periodically checks the updates in the repository and follows up with the government point of contact to gather new information on implementation.
- Around two months prior to the end of implementation the researcher conducts targeted interviews with stakeholders to understand changes emerging from reforms and what has enabled or inhibited change.
- The IRM team lead drafting of the report based on evidence and information gathered during the check-ins.
- The draft results report is reviewed by the International Experts Panel and shared for comments with the relevant Country Support team regional lead. The final draft results report is shared with the government and/ or multi-stakeholder forum for a 21-day pre-publication comment period.
- IRM team consolidate feedback and the final report is reshared with the government and/or multi-stakeholder forum and published on the country member page of the OGP website.

- IRM Guidance – Results Report (Graphic)
- IRM Guidance – Results Indicator Researcher Guidance – November 2023
- IRM Guidance – Results Report (TEMPLATE) EN – Decemeber 2024
- IRM Guidance – Results Report (TEMPLATE) ES – December 2024