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Indonesia Design Report 2018-2020

Indonesia’s fifth action plan included a range of commitments that aimed to open government in a variety of sectors, with particular focus on information disclosure and data governance. The plan also included five commitments under the open parliament initiative. The collaborative action plan development process, led by civil society, yielded two commitments of nineteen with transformative potential impact. Future action plan development could benefit from clearer definition of the role of the multistakeholder forum, more frequent meetings of the forum, and stronger communication and outreach to ensure that the development process is open to all stakeholders.

Table 1. At a glance
Participating since: 2011
Action plan under review: 2018–2020
Report type: Design
Number of commitments: 19

Action plan development
Is there a Multi-stakeholder forum: Yes
Level of public influence: Collaborate
Acted contrary to OGP process: No

Action plan design
Commitments relevant to OGP values: 19 (100%)
Transformative commitments: 2 (11%)
Potentially starred: 2 (11%)

Action plan implementation
Starred commitments: N/A
Completed commitments: N/A
Commitments with Major DIOG*: N/A
Commitments with Outstanding DIOG*: N/A

*DIOG: Did it Open Government?

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) monitors all action plans to ensure governments follow through on commitments. Indonesia joined OGP as a Founding Member in 2011. Since, Indonesia has implemented five action plans. This report evaluates the design of Indonesia’s fifth action plan.

General overview of action plan

The Open Government Indonesia (OGI) National Secretariat is the coordinating agency for OGP activities Indonesia. The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) leads coordination with OGI and mandates a multi-stakeholder forum comprising representatives from both government and civil society stakeholders to oversee the action plan development.

Development of Indonesia’s fifth action plan began in May 2018 with a joint workshop to inform stakeholders of the process and gather feedback on the stages of development. OGI published all relevant information pertaining to the development of the action plan on a repository hosted on

Collaborative working groups with government and civil society members drafted commitments within different themes for inclusion in the action plan. Consultation process was centralized in Jakarta with minimum participation from subnational governments and other local stakeholders. A series of bilateral meetings involving government, civil society, and other stakeholders helped shape the commitments included in the action plan. However, beyond the early stage of action plan development, the multi-stakeholder forum was absent from the remainder of the process.

In December 2018, Indonesia submitted its fifth action plan with a total of 19 commitments, 5 of which are part of the open parliament initiative. These open parliament commitments were developed through an entirely separate process led by the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC), a civil society organization. Data governance and disclosure continued to be the major themes incorporated throughout the action plan, but the much-needed Presidential Regulation on One Data Indonesia had remained unsigned and stuck in a bureaucratic and political limbo.

Table 2. Noteworthy commitments

Commitment description Moving forward Status at the end of implementation cycle
1. Improvement in Data Management and Compliance of Extractive, Forestry, and Plantation Sectors

Expand the use of the Beneficial Ownership database, including the registration of beneficial ownership in the extractive, forestry, and plantation sectors.

The government could establish a clear mechanism for intragovernmental coordination in the implementation of the registry and ensure strong collaboration with civil society to advance to an open registry after the initial stages of implementation. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.
10. Quality Improvement on Public Service Complaints Resolution through LAPOR!-SP4N

Integrate additional government institutions, increase complaint response rates, and enhance compliance with standards through LAPOR!-SP4N.

The government could engage the Information Commission to ensure transparency of the complaints management process; establish standard guidelines for government institutions to respond to public complaints; and raise awareness among the public to encourage greater use of the system and monitoring of public service delivery. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.


The IRM recommendations aim to inform the development of the next action plan and guide implementation of the current action plan.

Table 3. Five key IRM recommendations

Strengthen the multistakeholder forum through a comprehensive government decree.
Establish a clear intragovernmental mechanism for coordination throughout action plan development, implementation, and evaluation processes.
Facilitate participation of local government and civil society stakeholders.
Include commitments responding to shrinking civic space and public disinformation in the next action plan.
Accelerate the implementation of the Presidential Regulation on One Data Indonesia across all policy sectors.


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