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IRM Guidelines for the Assessment of Minimum Requirements

OGP’s Steering Committee approved an update to the OGP Participation & Co-Creation Standards on November 24, 2021, which became effective on January 1, 2022, replacing the previous version. They include five standards regarding the expectation for government and civil society engagement during the OGP cycle. Each standard has clear and measurable minimum requirements that all OGP national members must meet during the development and/or implementation of an action plan.

Within the IRM’s role as the accountability arm for OGP, the IRM will assess and report on all countries’ compliance with the minimum requirements for each standard. The IRM prepared guidelines to outline how it will assess and report on countries’ compliance with the minimum requirements. They explain the key measures and evidence the IRM will consider to assess each minimum requirement. Download the IRM guidelines in English and Spanish (French coming soon) below.

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