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Lithuania Design Report 2018-2020

Commitments in Lithuania’s fourth action plan mostly build on previous initiatives and seek to improve transparency of the public sector and the quality of public services, among others. Notable commitments include creating an open data portal and strengthening the NGO Fund. The Office of the Government developed the action plan with close engagement with civil society. Moving forward, the Office of the Government could better engage with the wider multi-stakeholder forum and provide stakeholders with better feedback on proposals gathered during public consultations.

Table 1. At a glance

Participating since: 2011

Action plan under review: 4

Report type: Design

Number of commitments: 6


Action plan development

Is there a multi-stakeholder forum? Yes

Level of public influence: Involve

Acted contrary to OGP process: No


Action plan design

Commitments relevant to OGP values: 6 (100%)

Transformative commitments: 1 (17%)

Potentially starred commitments: 1 (17%)

Action plan implementation

Starred commitments: N/A

Completed commitments: N/A

Commitments with Major DIOG:* N/A

Commitments with Outstanding DIOG:* N/A


*DIOG: Did It Open Government?

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) monitors all action plans to ensure governments follow through on commitments. Lithuania joined OGP in 2011. Since then, it has implemented three action plans. This report evaluates the design of Lithuania’s fourth action plan.

General overview of action plan

Lithuania enters its fourth action plan with decreasing levels of corruption and fewer citizens paying bribes to get public services. The fourth action plan aims to address deficiencies in open data, manage low levels of public participation in decision-making processes, and improve the environment of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

To develop the fourth action plan, the Office of the Government launched a multi-stakeholder forum and formed a new OGP working group. Two working group meetings were held in which commitment proposals were actively discussed. However, the Office of the Government did not provide stakeholders with a summary of how proposals submitted during the co-creation process were incorporated into the final action plan.

Four of six commitments in Lithuania’s fourth action plan are carried forward from the previous action plan to continue their implementation. Notable commitments include those creating an open data portal to integrate into the European digital market (Commitment 1) and an NGO fund and database (Commitment 2).

Table 2. Noteworthy commitments

Commitment description Moving forward Status at the end of implementation cycle
1. Create an open data portal and integrate it into the European digital single market

Create a centrally managed open data portal for government-held data and prepare draft legislation for open data operations.

The government could consult civil society stakeholders to prioritize which data to open and build partnerships with other public-sector institutions to increase the possibility of success. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.
2. Strengthen civic society through the development of NGO database and NGO fund

Establish an NGO database and create an NGO fund to centrally finance NGOs.

The NGO fund and database have been carried forward from the previous plan. If they remain incomplete at the end of the fourth action plan cycle, the government should assess the reasons for not achieving these goals within the deadlines. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.


The IRM recommendations aim to inform the development of the next action plan and guide implementation of the current action plan.

Table 3. Five Key IRM Recommendations

Empower the members of the multi-stakeholder forum with some level of decision making, rather than only informing them.
Provide stakeholders and the public with a written summary of how proposals gathered during public consultations are incorporated into the final action plan, including justifications for why proposals are not incorporated.
Proactively engage stakeholders from public-sector institutions and ensure they know their role when implementing the commitment.
Have a clear goal, with a clearly defined audience, for every seminar and training.
Identify the criteria that could indicate the achievement of the commitments and measure their success.


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