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Lithuania Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Lithuania's fourth action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments. In Lithuania, the IRM researcher Rugile Trumpyte's' findings…

Malta Design Report 2018-2020

Malta’s third action plan includes five commitments, with only two of them being clearly relevant to opening government. The country does not have a multi-stakeholder forum overseeing the development and implementation of the action plan. Future commitments could significantly increase…

Brazil Mid-Term Self-Assessment Report 2018-2020

From the introduction: Brazil is implementing its 4th National Action Plan. It was drawn up based on the same perspective as the 3rd Plan, and following the same methodology, which has been internationally replicated and commended, it is expected to…

France Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for France's second action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments. In France, the IRM researcher Sofia Wickberg' findings…

Portugal Design Report 2018-2020

Portugal’s first OGP action plan joins a series of government-led efforts to promote transparency and civic engagement in the political process. Participating civil society and government representatives in the multi-stakeholder forum praised the co-creation process to develop the plan as…

Armenia Design Report 2018-2020

Armenia’s fourth action plan reflects the new government’s commitment to reform and greater transparency. Notable commitments include those regarding transparency of beneficial ownership of companies, development of land and water cadastres, and e-petitions. The action plan’s implementation will require sustained…

Open Government Partnership