Nigeria Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Nigeria’s third action plan continues open government reforms that aim to tackle corruption. Dedicated funding and a strong coalition of reformers set commitments to open the budget process and increase beneficial ownership transparency apart. Successful implementation will likely depend on…
Finland Action Plan Review 2023-2027
Finland’s fifth OGP action plan continues advancing priorities such as civic participation, public service training, and open data. The commitments mostly pursue incremental improvements to government practices. The national dialogues, which Finland started in the previous action plan, could yield…
End of Commitment Report – Organization and implementation of open, transparent and participatory public discussions
Overview Name of Evaluator Anahit Gharibyan Email Member Name Yerevan, Armenia Action Plan Title Action plan - Yerevan, Armenia, 2023 - 2024 Commitment Organization and implementation of open, transparent, and participatory public discussions Action The main goal of the…