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Issue Brief: Disclosing contracts in the natural resource sector

Contract disclosure helps address the severe trust deficit in the natural resource sector, and cultivates an atmosphere of cooperation among those deeply invested in the success of, and are greatly impacted by, extractives operations: governments, companies, and communities. Disclosure helps…

Regional Civil Society Networks

Star Commitments in OGP

Each OGP government partners with civil society to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to improve governance. OGP has become a global movement of reformers working to make government more effective and responsive to its citizens.…

Reformas Destacadas de OGP

Los gobiernos miembros de OGP se asocian con la sociedad civil para promover la transparencia, empoderar a sus ciudadanos, luchar contra la corrupción y aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías para mejorar la gobernanza de su país. OGP es un movimiento global…

Open Government Partnership