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Romania Results Report 2020-2022

Romania’s fifth action plan improved the country’s legislative framework for open data and established a new Open Government Partnership (OGP) multi-stakeholder forum. However, its implementation rate declined with the onset of COVID-19 and institutional changes in government.

Early Results

Four of the action plan’s twelve commitments marginally opened government. Commitment 12 made a long-awaited improvement to Romania’s legislative framework for open data by transposing a relevant EU directive to national law. Commitments 1, 5, and 8 also made progress on sharing public participation recommendations with local governments, improving transparency of government nonrefundable financing contracts, and supporting national minorities’ linguistic rights. Although in terms of design, Commitments 7 and 11 also planned for promising reforms, limited implementation meant they did not produce results in opening government during the action plan cycle. The same was the case for the action plan’s other commitments.


Four of the action plan’s twelve commitments were substantially or completely implemented (Commitments 1, 5, 8, and 12), a lower implementation rate than that of the previous action plan. These commitments benefited from targeted efforts by the General Secretariat of the Government, Romania’s OGP point of contact (POC), which was the lead implementer for Commitments 1 and 12, as well as the Department for Interethnic Relations, which was the lead for Commitment 8. These commitments were also focal points for civil society investment in the action plan, as civil society suggestions were the initial basis for Commitments 5 and 12. Among the action plan’s most promising commitments, Commitment 12 was substantially completed, but Commitments 7 and 11 saw limited implementation. Overall, stakeholders reported that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic was a major obstacle to implementation, shifting agencies’ priorities and resources away from commitments. Civil society stakeholders did not fill gaps in implementation for most commitments, which were based on government workplans rather than civil society priorities.

Participation and Co-Creation

Romania’s OGP process was led by the General Secretariat of the Government and the National Coordination Committee (Comitetul National de Coordonare, or CNC), its newly formed multi-stakeholder forum. The CNC was seen as an improvement on Romania’s former multi-stakeholder forum in terms of civil society representation, regularity of meetings, and operational framework. Romania’s OGP Club also began meeting again, hosting dialogue between government and civil society actors on broader open government topics. However, direct civil society engagement in implementation of most commitments was limited, stemming from narrow involvement in the co-creation process. During the design phase, civil society stakeholders submitted six commitment proposals, and government stakeholders submitted fifty-three. In the final action plan, three commitments were adapted from the civil society proposals (Commitments 5, 6, and 12), and the other nine were based on government proposals. Implementation of the commitments that emerged from civil society proposals benefited from a stronger level of collaboration.

Implementation in Context

Implementation of the action plan was slowed by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a national lockdown between March and May 2020. Public gatherings were suspended, though some of those restrictions were loosened in September. Romania faced one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in the European Union.[1] It also dealt with rising energy costs combined with the fourth-highest rate of inflation among EU countries as of October 2021.[2] Following a no-confidence motion, the coalition government elected in late 2020 was replaced by an interim government and then reformed in late 2021. Political instability shifted distribution of government positions and ministries,[3] with turnover impacting institutional commitment to the action plan’s initiatives.

[1] Cristian Gherasim, “Romania Reaches Historic High in Covid Deaths,” EUobserver, November 5, 2021,

[2] Eurostat, Annual Inflation Up to 4.1% in the Euro Area, November 17, 2021,

[3] “Nations in Transit 2022: Romania,” Freedom House,


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