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Serbia Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Serbia’s third action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development and design of its commitments.

In Serbia, the IRM researchers’ findings are summarized below:

“Serbia’s multi-stakeholder consultation process has improved considerably through better public outreach, including on the local level. However, the action plan largely continues initiatives from the previous plan mainly with measures of limited ambition. Notable commitments include transparency of media funding, amendments to the access to information law, and proactive publication of information. Effective implementation will benefit from continued collaboration while high-level political support is needed for more ambitious commitments.”

And in Serbian:

“Proces konsultacija između više različitih zainteresovanih strana znatno se poboljšao u Srbiji i ostvario je bolji odjek u javnosti, uključujući i na lokalnom nivou. Međutim, akcioni plan većinom nastavlja inicijative iz prethodnog plana i uglavnom uz mere koje imaju ograničenu ambiciju. Istaknute obaveze obuhvataju transparentnost finansiranja medija, izmene i dopune zakona o pristupu informacijama i proaktivno objavljivanje informacija. Efektivno sprovođenje će zavisiti od kontinuirane saradnje, dok je politička podrška na visokom nivou neophodna za ambicioznije obaveze.”

The version of the report for public comment is available in English and in Serbian below. The two-week public comment period closed 30 October 2019.


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