Republic of Korea Mid-Term Report 2016-2018 – For Public Comment
In 2018, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM)The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is OGP’s accountability arm and the main means of tracking progress in participating countries. The IRM provides independent, evidence-based, and objective ... published the Year 1 Progress Report for South Korea’s third action planAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen.... The report covers the implementation of the action plan from July 2016 through December 2017.
In South Korea, findings from the IRM researcher, Jee In Chung, is summarized below:
” South Korea’s third action plan saw an inclusive co-creation processCollaboration between government, civil society and other stakeholders (e.g., citizens, academics, private sector) is at the heart of the OGP process. Participating governments must ensure that a dive... and addressed some priority areas such as open dataBy opening up data and making it sharable and reusable, governments can enable informed debate, better decision making, and the development of innovative new services. Technical specifications: Polici... and access to information. However, the action plan was vaguely formulated and included commitments with low ambitionAccording to OGP’s Articles of Governance, OGP commitments should “stretch government practice beyond its current baseline with respect to key areas of open government.” Ambition captures the po.... The next action plan would benefit from clearly defining commitments’ objectives and intended results, and addressing issues such as conflict of interest and money in politics. “
and in Korean:
” 대한민국 제3차 실행계획 수립 기간 동안 포용적인 공동창조가 이뤄졌으며 공공데이터, 정보 접근성 등 핵심 분야가 다뤄졌다. 그러나 실행계획 설명이 모호하였고 충분히 야심차지 않은 공약들도 포함되었다.다음 실행계획에서는 공약의 목표와 기대 성과를 명확히 제시하고 이해충돌 및 정치자금 문제도 다뤄지길 기대한다. ”
The public comment version of the report appears below. The two-week public comment period closed Friday 22 June 2018.
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