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Sweden Design Report 2019-2021

Sweden’s fourth action plan includes commitments on creating a national open data action plan, publishing priority datasets, and supporting data-driven innovation and uptake. Most of the commitments fall under the scope of work of the Agency for Digital Government, and there were few opportunities for non-government stakeholders to provide input on the action plan. Moving forward, Sweden could consider using future action plans to address transparency of public procurement data and lobbying.

Table 1. At a glance

Participating since:   2011

Action plan under review:     4

Report type: Design

Number of commitments:  4

Action plan development

Is there a multistakeholder forum:    No

Level of public influence:      Inform

Acted contrary to OGP process:    Yes

Action plan design

Commitments relevant to OGP values: 4 (100%)

Transformative commitments:     0

Potentially starred commitments:     0


SE0017 Open Data Plan
SE0018 Make Open Data Accessible
SE0019 Capacity-Building in Digital Sector
SE0020 Dialogue with Civil Society

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) monitors all action plans to ensure governments follow through on commitments. Sweden joined OGP in 2011. Since, Sweden has implemented three action plans. This report evaluates the design of Sweden’s fourth action plan.

General overview of action plan

Sweden continues to rank among the best performers in transparency and anti-corruption globally. The fourth action plan focuses on open data, including data-driven innovation and digitisation of the public sector.

The development of Sweden’s fourth action plan was led by an independent third-party consultant, and mostly consisted of surveys and individual interviews with stakeholders. However, there was no available evidence that any open consultations took place for stakeholders to submit their proposals for inclusion in the action plan.

The Ministry of Infrastructure oversees Sweden’s involvement in OGP and the commitments in the action plan largely consist of existing activities that fall under the scope of work of the Ministry’s Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). The commitments involve proposing a national open data action plan, publishing priority datasets, encouraging data-driven innovation solutions to societal challenges, and discussing digitisation of the public sector with civil society.

Table 2. Noteworthy commitments

Commitment description Moving forward Status at the end of implementation cycle
Commitment 1: National open data action plan  To maximise the new national open data action plan, the IRM recommends continuously consulting data users during its implementation, including civil society organisations and open data experts. The IRM also recommends raising awareness and promoting its usage among public agencies that are responsible for publishing data. Note: this will be assessed at the end of the action plan cycle.


IRM recommendations aim to inform the development of the next action plan and guide implementation of the current action plan. Please refer to Section V: General Recommendations for more details on each of the below recommendations.

Table 3. Five KEY IRM Recommendations

Conduct formal and regular consultations with stakeholders to facilitate co-creation of future OGP commitments
Establish a multi-stakeholder forum to oversee the OGP process and create an online repository for all OGP-related information in Sweden
Improve commitment design by including milestones with measurable outcomes and clear outputs
Take steps to develop a centralised portal for open data on public procurement, ensuring that data is available in open format
Take initial steps towards establishing an open register on lobbying



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