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Uruguay End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Uruguay made substantial progress in completing its commitments, half of which resulted in significant changes in access to public information. The implementation of the access to information law continued and the first National Water Plan was developed in a participatory manner. A greater number of public and civil society actors participated during the open government process; however, civil society continues to face difficulties in sustaining participation processes, due to the limited availability of resources for advocacy or lobbying activities.

Table 1: At a glance
Midterm End-of-Term
Number of commitments 40[1]
Grado de cumplimiento:
Complete 2 9
Substantial 21 24
Limited 13 4
Not started 3 2
Commitments that are of…
Clear Relevance to OGP Values 39
Transformative Potential Impact 6
Substantial or Complete Implementation 23 33
All three (✪) 4 4
Did it Open Government?
Major 20
Oustanding 0
Moving Forward
Number of commitments carried over to next action plan 10

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a voluntary international initiative that aims to secure commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) carries out annual reviews of the activities of each OGP-participating country. This report summarizes the results of the period June 2016 to June 2018, and includes some event through august 2018. .

The Agency for the Development of the Government of Electronic Management and the Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC for its acronym in Spanish) is in charge of the coordination of open government issues in Uruguay. This body is a dependency of the Presidency of the Republic and works with technical autonomy, being able to coordinate its activities with other State bodies. AGESIC has been in charge of the three open government action plans implemented by Uruguay since the country’s incorporation into OGP to date. The five-year national budget includes a specific item for open government.

The implementation of the plan made substantial progress in meeting the goals in the second year of the action plan cycle. 55% of the commitments were met substantially and 25% were completely.

The Government delivered the self-evaluation report on the third action plan to OGP on November 30, 2018. On December 9 of the same year, it presented its fourth action plan with 39 commitments, 10 of which follow up on commitments of the third plan. of action.

Consultation with Civil Society During Implementation

OGP participating countries are required to conduct a consultation process with civil society for the development and implementation of their action plans.

The Open Government Working Group is the permanent forum in which civil society organizations participate in the OGP process in Uruguay. This group was created when the country joined the initiative in 2011 and was formalized by a decree of the Executive Power dated November 2016, since then it has been operating without interruption. In this group multiple actors are represented,  including from the public sector (the Executive Power, the Departmental Governments, the Judicial Power and the Legislative Power), the academy (University of the Republic) and civil society organizations (Open Government Network ). Decisions in this space are made by consensus and the record and minutes of meetings are published on the AGESIC website.

The participation of civil society in the Working Group is a strength, but the ability to sustain these processes is one of the greatest challenges posed within the framework of sustainability of civil society organizations in Uruguay.

Table 2: Consultation process during implementation

Multi-stakeholder Forum Midterm End-of-Term
1.  Did a forum exist? Yes Yes
2. Did it meet regularly? Yes Yes

Table 3: Level of public influence

The IRM has adapted the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) “Spectrum of Participation” to apply to OGP. The table below shows the public influence in the action plan. The stages shown in the table are cumulative, from bottom to top. In the spirit of OGP, most countries should aspire for “collaborate.”

Level of Public Influence During Implementation of Action Plan Midterm End of Term
Empower The government handed decision-making power to members of the public.
Collaborate There was iterative dialogue AND the public helped set the agenda.
Involve The government gave feedback on how public inputs were considered.
Consult The public could give inputs.
Inform The government provided the public with information on the action plan.
No consultation No consultation

[1] The 75 commitments of the original plan were grouped down to 40. The commitment “Open Government Governance in Uruguay: a continuous process”, whose objective is to strengthen governance mechanisms and the continuous process of dialogue during the plan, is not included in the analysis with the rest of the commitments since it is a commitment that aims to strengthen the implementation process and its results are included in other areas of the report.


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