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What’s in the 2019 Action Plans

Qué hay en los planes de acción de 2019

Contenu des plans d'action 2019

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In this Report:

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) provides an opportunity for government and civil society reformers to make governments more transparent, participatory, and accountable. Working together, government and civil society in 78 countries and a growing number of local members cocreate two-year action plans with concrete commitments across a variety of sectors. The development and implementation of these commitments form the core of OGP activities. These commitments are then monitored by OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM).

This publication includes commitments from action plans submitted in 2019.* The first section features two commitments that fall within each of the eight focus policy areas included in OGP’s current three-year strategy: Beneficial Ownership Transparency, Civic Space, Gender and Inclusion, Political Integrity, Justice, Open Contracting, Public Service Delivery, and Digital Governance. The second section highlights a commitment to watch from each action plan. These commitments showcase the breadth of public policy challenges that OGP members are currently tackling and can provide inspiration for future cocreation processes.

* Please note that this publication includes commitments from action plans (APs) received between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019. APs received after the 31 December 2019 deadline can be found on the OGP website, but are not included here. The featured commitments have not been reviewed by the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) and this document does not in any way replace the IRM’s role in assessing the quality and ambition of individual commitments as part of the overall OGP process.

Featured Commitments in Selected Policy Areas

Beneficial Ownership

Nigerian construction workers on site. Nigeria’s new registry will publicly disclose beneficial owners in various industries including construction and extractives.PHOTO: Credit: Arne Hoel / World Bank

In most countries, a company can be formed without disclosing the identity of the individual who ultimately controls or profits from the business. This makes anonymous company ownership an effective way to mask corruption, evade taxes, and launder money. Beneficial ownership transparency has proven effective in combating these criminal activities by allowing civil society, journalists, and oversight bodies to investigate suspicious company activities, link this activity to company owners, and ultimately retain public funding from these companies. While still a frontier for much of the world, beneficial ownership transparency is one of the fastest growing areas among OGP members. The following are examples of beneficial ownership commitments from 2019 action plans.


In 2019:
10 members have made commitments in beneficial ownership
13 beneficial ownership commitments are included in action plans


Establish Beneficial Ownership Registry

Nigeria’s lack of commercial due diligence requirements has enabled money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism, and grand corruption. To address these issues, Nigeria made a commitment in its 2017 OGP action plan to collect and disclose beneficial ownership information. Although a website was launched to house data for the extractives sector, the required legislation was not adopted. In 2019, Nigeria committed to push ahead with legally requiring the collection of beneficial ownership information and publishing it on an open register according to international standards. In August of 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari signed the new beneficial ownership registry into law as part of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020 (CAMA). The government plans to raise awareness of the register and train people on to use it. Altogether, this reform could mobilize domestic resources and fight corruption by making it harder for people to use anonymous companies to avoid taxation and contribute to illicit financial flows.

Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: NG0020

Slovak Republic

Publish Beneficial Ownership Data

The Slovak Republic will build on beneficial ownership reforms in the country’s previous action plan by being the first country to commit to full implementation of the “Beneficial Ownership Transparency Disclosure Principles.” These principles—signed by a coalition of OGP member countries—aim to create a new global standard for increasing corporate transparency and decreasing the misuse of funds. To achieve this, the government will modify its national framework for beneficial ownership and expand the disclosure of data beyond legal entities receiving public funds to include all legal entities, public authorities, and entrepreneurs.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: SK0129

Civic Space

Activists link together to protest. The 2019 OGP Global Report found that while there are a considerable number of promising commitments related to freedom of association and freedom of expression, there is still an underutilization of OGP action plans to address issues related to civic space.PHOTO: Credit: Jacob Lund

Civic space—the practices that allow citizens and civil society to exercise their civil and political rights, including freedom of expression, assembly, and association—is both the foundation and goal of open government. A resilient and unrestricted civil society is necessary to foster more open, responsive, and accountable governments. Yet across many countries, civic space continues to shrink, which erodes civil society’s ability to operate freely. While many OGP members have made commitments to address civic space concerns, roughly half of OGP countries still face challenges such as regular harassment of activists and journalists, barriers to participation and free assembly, and excessive use of surveillance and data privacy violations. The following examples highlight how members have used their 2019 action plans to address these issues.


In 2019:
6 members have made commitments in civic space
6 civic space commitments are included in action plans


Technology Rights and Privacy

In 2017, a New York Times article revealed that the Mexican government had spent US$80 million over 18 months on spyware to surveil lawyers, journalists, and human rights defenders. The scandal provoked public outcry. Over 200 civil society organizations demanded better government accountability, including those involved in developing Mexico’s OGP action plan. This 2019 commitment seeks to address the lack of regulation and supervision of government digital surveillance. The commitment will establish a group of experts from a variety of sectors and government agencies to analyze and modify regulations on the use of surveillance in private communications. All changes will be made in accordance with existing national and international human rights standards.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: MX0081


Access to Justice for Environmental Matters

Ecuadorian legislation does not require the collection or disclosure of information on environmental stewardship. Citizens also lack opportunities to participate in environmental issues; typically, they can only do so through environmental impact assessments. To make environmental governance more open and accountable, Ecuador committed to implement the Escazú Agreement, which aims to provide citizens full and effective access to environmental information, opportunities to participate in environmental decision-making, and access to justice for environmental matters. A national observatory with members from civil society, academia, and local groups will collaborate with the government to develop a roadmap with concrete proposals to ratify and implement the agreement, and oversee its implementation.

Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: EC0004

Gender and Inclusion

Female students working on laptops in the library

Students of National Institute of Management and Administration in Kabul. One of the indicators specified in the Women’s Empowerment Plan of Afghanistan is the inclusion of gender equality issues in the educational curriculum.

Opening up government is an underexplored means of accelerating gender equality and closing critical gaps in information, access, and participation for marginalized groups. When the perspectives of women, girls, and those across the gender and sexual identity spectrum are part of open government, they bring critical perspectives, knowledge, and skills to increase the potential of reforms. Many OGP members have made important strides to include women in the OGP process and to address gender through commitments. In 2019, gender and inclusion became the fastest growing area across OGP commitments. The following are two examples of these commitments.


In 2019:
12 members have made commitments in gender and inclusion
42 gender and inclusion commitments are included in action plans


Women’s Empowerment Plan

Gender equality is a central policy aim of the Afghan government. However, the government has faced obstacles in implementing a national women’s empowerment plan. While the National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan gained some ground for gender equality, it suffered from a lack of implementation planning, budget, and monitoring. Having learned from past efforts, the government has committed to establish a joint committee of women ministers and civil society leaders to design a five-year national women empowerment plan with clear budget, monitoring, and evaluation processes. Importantly, this commitment places women at the center of designing and implementing this new plan. In August of 2020, President Ashraf Ghani issued a decree to establish the Women’s High Council, completing one of the milestones of this commitment.

Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: AF0030


Federalization of the Micaela Law

Even though Argentina has ratified most major international and regional human rights treaties, violence against women and girls continues to be a serious and persistent problem. Argentina committed to federalize Micaela Law No. 27499, named after a victim of femicide. The law requires training on gender and violence against women for public servants in all levels of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Currently, the Micaela Law applies mostly to national government bodies. The commitment aims to ensure the provision’s adoption and implementation by all provincial governments, as well as share information from provincial agencies so citizens can monitor the law’s implementation.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: AR0091

Political Integrity

Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš and Director of State Chancellery Janis Citskovskis meet with OGP Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Pradhan and team

Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš and Director of State Chancellery Janis Citskovskis meet with OGP Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Pradhan and team to discuss open government strategies in Riga, Latvia.PHOTO: Credit: Valsts kanceleja/ State Chancellery of Latvia

Political activity requires financing. Yet politicians can misuse financing to distort policy outcomes, thereby threatening democracy. Transparent and accountable political finance practices can help level the political playing field and keep criminal money out of politics. The following are examples of political integrity commitments from 2019 action plans.


In 2019:
11 members have made commitments in political integrity
14 political integrity commitments are included in action plans


Transparency in Lobbying

A lack of lobbying transparency in the parliament has led to high levels of public distrust. The government has tried to address this through legislation over the last ten years. To achieve this long sought-after aim, the government formed the Lobbying Transparency Working Group to create and present a lobbying transparency law to the parliament. To facilitate effective implementation of the law, the government has specifically committed to a public awareness campaign and will add the topic of lobbying transparency to public administration training for high-level public officials. This multi-part approach aims to increase public knowledge of how the lobbying process works, who influences government decision-making, and how to get involved.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: LV0042


Regulation of Stakeholders

In Italy, transparency requirements for government lobbying are limited and inconsistent across ministries. As a result, the public lacks information about who is influencing policy-making. To address this issue, the Italian government committed to form a working group of civil society and government representatives to design a public, standardized register of stakeholders across the government. The working group will propose a lobbying code of conduct, guidelines on how to use the register, and publish decision-makers’ meetings and agendas. The City of Rome also committed to establish a register and procedures to ensure transparent lobbying. Uniform guidelines and greater public information on lobbying aims to increase citizens’ understanding of who is influencing policy making and how to engage in the process.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: IT0061


Community paralegals conduct outreach in the Mamusa community.

Community paralegals conduct outreach in the Mamusa community. Sierra Leone hopes to ensure access to justice by expanding community-based justice services.PHOTO: Credit: Aubrey Wade/Namati

To achieve open government, citizens must have the ability to seek and obtain remedy for grievances and protect their rights against infringement by governments, corporations, or other citizens. A fair, accessible, and efficient justice system offers citizens this opportunity through open and accountable justice institutions, effective legal assistance when necessary, and enforceable constitutional and human rights. Justice is a growing focus across OGP action plans, with several countries making commitments to expand accountability and inclusion within their justice systems. The following are examples from 2019 action plans.


In 2019:
16 members have made commitments in justice
31 justice commitments are included in action plans

Sierra Leone

Expanding Community-Based Justice Services

The Sierra Leonean justice system’s lack of resources, capacity, and staffing significantly inhibits citizens’ access to justice. Moreover, citizens far more frequently resolve conflicts through community-level mediation than through courts. To better accommodate citizens’ needs and preferences, the government has committed to develop a national access to justice policy and a directorate for community-based justice services. The government will train 300 community-based justice providers and map available mechanisms for redressing administrative and personal grievances. Additionally, the government will establish a Justice Innovation Centre to facilitate interaction between community justice and formal justice systems. Finally, the government committed to establish a legal assistance fund to assist community negotiations with large-scale land investors. These measures will strengthen the community justice mechanisms predominantly used by Sierra Leone’s most vulnerable citizens.

Action Plan: 3 (2019-2021) Commitment: SL0022

Costa Rica

Judicial Observatory

A backlog in court cases has long delayed justice for Costa Ricans and put strain on judges and other court officials. Although the judiciary publishes information online on cases, budgets, and staffing, the information is not structured so that citizens can easily monitor court performance. To improve citizens’ access to information, Costa Rica plans to work with citizens to visualize judicial information—such as case status and audit findings—on an easy-to-use website. The new platform will enable the public to track performance by region, circuit, court, and subject area. Citizens will also be able to regularly discuss the data with government officials and make recommendations for reducing the backlog.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: CR0066

Open Contracting

The Mongolian Education Agency holds a meeting of local stakeholders in Khovd.

The Mongolian Education Agency holds a meeting of local stakeholders in Khovd. Mongolia’s featured commitment aims to increase participation from citizens and civil society organizations in the participation process.PHOTO: Credit: Morgana Wingard for OGP

Worldwide, governments spend about 9.5 trillion (USD)—or 15% of global GDP—on contracts with companies to procure goods and services and procurement is often cited as the single largest corruption risk for governments. Publishing government contracts and contracting data coupled with open and fair contract bidding processes can help reduce this risk by allowing citizens and civil society to monitor who their government pays, and how much. It can also result in significant improvements to government efficiency and value for money, and can level the playing field for business, especially for smaller firms. Open contracting has been a popular area in OGP for several years, with many members focusing on information disclosure. However, new commitments show a growth of inclusive approaches to designing and monitoring contracting processes.


In 2019:
10 members have made commitments in open contracting
11 open contracting commitments are included in action plans


Participation in Public Procurement Processes

Mongolia’s procurement process is inefficient in part due to a lack of transparency and public oversight. To address this issue, the Ministry of Finance will publish procurement data online and build a portal to receive public feedback. A national consulting team will design public monitoring processes for health and transportation sector procurement, to be carried out by participatory monitoring teams in each province. A working group will use information from community scorecards to identify improvement opportunities. The Ministry will report on participation in the procurement process biannually. The commitment aims to make public-spending more efficient and strengthen public trust in government procurement.

Action Plan: 3 (2019-2021) Commitment: MN0038

Austin, United States

Inclusion in Court Contracting

The Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) contracts with local nonprofits to provide services to people who are transitioning into housing, with the goal of helping them achieve greater self-sufficiency. Currently, the city purchases these services through a closed, one-size-fits-all contracting approach. The majority of defendants who come before the DACC are experiencing homeless, and a disproportionate number of offenses are committed by a small number of defendants who repeatedly cycle through the criminal justice system at a high cost to community services. By including feedback from defendants, local advocates, and the general public at every step of the procurement process, the city aims to improve civic participation, add transparency to the decision-making process, and promote better use of city resources. Accountability efforts will include biweekly meetings of the Austin Homeless Advisory Committee, convened by the DACC and attended by community and city department representatives.

Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: AUS0007

Public Service Delivery

Smiling students sit in a classroom at from the Bislig Elementary School in Tanauan City, Leyte province, Philippines.

Students from the Bislig Elementary School in Tanauan City, Leyte province, Philippines. Public services continue to be a popular area of work for OGP members.PHOTO: Credit: World Bank

Efficient, accessible, and open provision of critical public services—such as healthcare, education, and water and sanitation—can transform citizens’ daily lives and increase their trust in government. Given the tremendous impact of these services on communities and the sizable proportion of public spending they represent, citizens have a right to participate in their government’s selection of public service projects and monitor their implementation. Integrating open government principles in service delivery can expand the reach of services, enable feedback mechanisms, and allow citizens to monitor the delivery and quality of the services. The following are examples of commitments on service delivery found in 2019 action plans.


In 2019:
27 members have made commitments in public services
78 public services commitments are included in action plans

Burkina Faso

Complaint Registration and Processing Mechanism

Citizens in Burkina Faso have limited opportunities to report public service delivery issues. Thus, the government lacks citizen input on how to improve delivery. Therefore, the government will pilot a complaint recording and processing system in four public service departments. Government services under consideration for this program include education, health, civil service, and justice. First, the government will establish the legal framework and technical resources necessary for an effective complaint response system. The government will then train employees and create a guide to inform government responses to public service complaints. Finally, the government will increase public awareness of the complaint management system. Increased communication between the public and government will facilitate more transparent and effective public service delivery in Burkina Faso.

Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: BF0019


Basic Education Inputs Program

Currently, the national government faces challenges obtaining the necessary information and data from public schools to deliver targeted basic education services. Challenges include schools’ geographical isolation, limited access to communication, and poor infrastructure. To address these challenges, the Department of Education will adopt a participatory platform for monitoring and evaluation of basic education data, such as classroom size, school infrastructure, teaching and learning materials, and teacher training. This will strengthen citizens’ ability to track government investments in schools and ensure that funding reaches the right schools, meets the needs on the ground, and serves the intended learning outcomes.

Action Plan: 5 (2019-2021) Commitment: PH0058

Digital Governance

Young girl using virtual reality glasses

The 2019-2020 OGP Co-Chair Vision identifies digital governance as a priority and aims to make it a practical aspect of OGP work.PHOTO: Credit: UK Black Tech

As advanced technology continues to change society, a next generation of digital policy issues has emerged. Technologies such as big data and algorithms can drive more effective policy decisions, and social networks can help governments become more efficient and interconnected. However, the corrosive effects of fake news and hate speech, unethical or discriminatory use of data, and state surveillance threaten fair and open societies. Digital governance is still a frontier issue in OGP, but the following are some of the commitments members made in 2019 to tackle these issues.


In 2019:
4 members have made commitments in digital governance
4 digital governance commitments are included in action plans

United Kingdom

Digital Charter

Without proper regulation, people can use the internet to undermine civil discourse, credible news, and intellectual property rights. In response to these concerns, the government will work with civil society—including under-represented groups—to develop a “Digital Charter.” The charter will establish norms and rules for the online sphere. In addition, the new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation will allow citizens to advise the government and regulators on the implications of new data-driven technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: UK0091


Open Data and AI Policy

High-quality open data and clear ethical guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important step to increasing data usability and preventing discrimination. This commitment will put in place easy-to-use, developer-friendly interfaces to share data resources with the public. The process aims to motivate data producers to improve the quality and usability of data and data resources. Additionally, this commitment will create guidelines that will promote an ethically, financially, and socially sustainable data and AI policy. Developers will also consider international human rights conventions and UN recommendations on the ethics of AI, as well as data security as a part of the preparatory process.

Action Plan: 4 (2019-2023) Commitment: FI0033

Other Commitments to Watch

The following commitments are also among the many worth following.


Finland – Transparency Register
The government will consult civil society to draft legislation that will create a public register of government lobbyists.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2023) Commitment: FI0032

Norway – Beneficial Ownership Register
The government will establish a public beneficial ownership register that includes corporations and enterprises in the country.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: NO0061

Paris, France – Open Contracting Collaboration
The City of Paris aims to simplify and expand open public procurement data by establishing internal and multi-stakeholder working groups to design data management and publication strategies.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: PAR0008

Philippines – Open Contracting Data
Civil society and the government will work together to improve the quality of public procurement data by requiring more procuring government entities to publish data, expanding requirements for publishing machine-readable data, and improving data literacy and audits.
Action Plan: 5 (2019-2021) Commitment: PH0066

Extractive Industries and Natural Resources

Mexico – Beneficial Ownership
Civil society and the government will collaboratively design a plan to require companies in the extractives sector to publish beneficial ownership information.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: MX0085

Nigeria – Open Contracting and Licensing in Extractives
The government will require state-owned enterprises in the extractives sector to publish their contracts.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: NG0018

Luxembourg – Transparent Climate Change Action Plans
The government will publish information and consult civil society regarding its national action plans adopted under the Paris Climate Agreement.
Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: LU0004

Deliberation and Participation

Bosnia and Herzegovina – Civil Society Participation in Policymaking
The government will hold workshops to enable civil society organizations to register and participate online in drafting regulations.
Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: BA0005

Costa Rica – Rural Development Councils
The government will strengthen councils’ participatory processes, provide training on open government, and improve communication channels to strengthen public participation and inclusion.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: CR0062

Germany – Participatory Foreign Policy
The Federal Foreign Office will improve access to its digital archive of historic documents and expand opportunities for public participation, such as hackathons and blog-based debates.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: DE0017

Iasi, Romania – Participatory Policymaking
The City of Iasi will create a formal mechanism for policy co-creation between citizens and the government.
Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: IAS0003

Italy – Participation Support
To strengthen public participation in policy-making, the government will establish guidelines and training on how to conduct public consultations. The government will also create an online portal that aggregates open calls for public input from across the government.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: IT0060

Latvia – Open Municipal Government
The government will provide municipalities with guidelines and training on public engagement to increase citizen participation through channels such as participatory budgeting and referenda.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: LV0043

Sweden – Sectoral Dialogues with Civil Society
The government will assess collaboration between the government and civil society through biannual, focused discussions using a process developed with civil society during previous action plans.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: SE0020

United Kingdom – Local Deliberative Democracy
The government will establish local forums for citizens to deliberate and make recommendations on policy design and delivery.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: UK0097


Ecuador – Eradication of Violence Against Women
Civil society and the government will cocreate a national plan to eradicate violence against women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: EC0007

Sierra Leone – Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence
The government will implement a Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy that will require the application of a gender perspective in policy-making and resource allocation based on gender-disaggregated data.
Action Plan: 3 (2019-2021) Commitment: SL0027

Sri Lanka – Participatory Approaches to Ending Violence against Women
The government and civil society will collaboratively implement and monitor “equal pay for equal work” requirements, establish sexual harassment committees for public sector workplaces, and amend laws to promote women representation in parliament and equal access to land.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: LK0035


Argentina – Legal Needs Survey
Civil society and the government will conduct two legal need surveys to collect information on unmet legal needs in Argentina. The government will make survey results available to the public in an open format and act on the findings to improve access to justice.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: AR0083

Burkina Faso – Access to Justice for Vulnerable People
The government will expand legal aid funding, which will be used to increase the number of aid recipients, offer workshops in prisons and in the community on accessing legal aid, and train criminal justice system employees on legal aid provision.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: BF0020

Jalisco, Mexico – Expert Witness Selection
The government will collaborate with citizens to establish a transparent process for selecting expert witnesses in court to avoid excessive discretion and conflicts of interest.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: JAL0010

Mongolia – Public Legal Knowledge
The government and civil society aim to increase public legal knowledge through legal guides and training that specifically consider the needs of youth, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
Action Plan: 3 (2019-2021) Commitment: MN0040

Open Data

Austin, United States – Public Safety Data Analysis
Civil society and the City of Austin will translate the city’s Annual Crime Data file into more accessible formats, such as data maps with improved legends.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: AUS0009

Denmark – Government Data Platform
To increase citizens’ trust, the government will create an online portal for the public to view all of the information the government holds about them in one place.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: DK0068

Greece – Open Immigration Data
The government will increase the transparency of immigration information related to international agreements, domestic law, and public communications.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: GR0067

United States – Open Data for Public Health
The government will host innovation challenges to leverage open data to encourage value-based healthcare and foster cocreated public health solutions for the opioid crisis and Lyme disease.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: US0110

Public Service Delivery

Afghanistan – Private and Public Health Centers
Members of the public, civil society, and the government will collaboratively design and monitor minimal standards for health centers to improve health service delivery.
Action Plan: 2 (2019-2021) Commitment: AF0027

Nariño, Colombia – Community Water Management
The government of Nariño will strengthen community water management by providing open water data, facilitating community meetings and training, and issuing an official decree acknowledging community water management rights.
Action Plan: 1 (2019-2021) Commitment: NR0002

Peru – Online Citizen Drug Price Portal
The government will improve the quality of health information by enabling citizens to submit complaints and corrections related to the price of medicines at various pharmacies on an online portal.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: PE0088

Slovak Republic – Educational Resources Portal
The government will work with educators and civil society in developing a process to generate open-source learning materials for its online education resource portal.
Action Plan: 4 (2019-2021) Commitment: SK0130


This publication was developed by the Analytics & Insights team of the OGP Support Unit:
Joseph Foti, Chief Research Officer
Sandy Arce, Program Officer
Renzo Falla, Senior Research Officer
Jessica Hickle, Research Associate
Amelia Katan, Research Associate

Special Thanks: We want to thank our colleagues in the Support Unit and IRM staff for their help.
Copy-edit: Amalia Pleake-Tamm
Design: Richard Scott
Translation: n+1 Language Services (Français); Alejandra Calzada Vázquez Vela and Andreína Pérez (Español)


Comments (1)

nancy anderson Reply

push for more rules and regulations on tech companies.
the” social dilemma” documentary discusses the problems that technology has caused. The answers
are not clear. It is clear that more A-I is not the answer.

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Open Government Partnership