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International Event


Meet the 2020 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidates

Following an open nomination process and a public comment period, the OGP Support Unit is excited to announce the shortlist of Civil Society Candidates for the 2020 OGP Steering Committee. We will be hosting a series of webinars the week…


Trusting Europe? How we (can) get citizen engagement right

Across Europe, trust in government and institutions is at an all time low.  A growing number of Europeans feel left behind and powerless, fueling a sense of injustice, insecurity, and perceived threat from migration and terrorism.  This is a profound challenge.

OGP Global Summit 2018: Tbilisi

As lead co-chair of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), Georgia hosted the 5th OGP Global Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia, from July 17-19, 2018. More than 2,200 attendees from 115 countries attended including government officials, civil society members, and representatives from multilateral institutions, private sector, academia,…

Asia Pacific Leaders Forum 2017

When & where 14 December 2017 Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia About the event Hosted by the Government of Indonesia, the Asia Pacific Leaders Forum on Open Government (APLF2017) is expected to bring together over 200 heads of state, ministers, local…

Open Government Partnership