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Open Gov Week 2023

A global call to action to transform the way governments serve their citizens   Over the past five years open government reformers have organized more than 1,300 Open Gov Week events in over 70 countries ranging from public debates, to…

OGW 2023 Strategy Webinar Hero Image

The Future of Open Government: Supporting Democratic Resilience and Reform

  Over the past decade, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has been home to thousands of relentless, creative, and inspiring trailblazers, innovators, and deeply committed reformers taking action to make a difference. In its second decade, there is a need…


The Value of Civil Society

Join us on March 16 as the OGP Democratic Freedoms Learning Network (DFLN) will host a webinar to explore the value of civil society and how expanding civic space can help make countries more resilient and successful.

OGP Strategy – Events

Strategy Consultation Office Hours

Join us for consultation office hours on OGP’s draft strategy to exchange questions and gain insight on key goals and shifts. No prior registration is required. Click the link during your preferred time frame to join the call. Thursday, February…

IRM Week – Homepage Image

2022 IRM Week

Explore content co-created with the wider IRM community that spotlights insights on country performance and thematic priorities to ensure strategic use of IRM findings.

America Abierta

Open Americas

Join us for Open Americas from September 26 to 29 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Open Government Partnership