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Webinar on Measuring Implementation of Access to Information Legislation

Speakers Sheila S. Coronel, Director, Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism, School of Journalism, Columbia University Natasa Pirc Musar, Information Commissioner, Slovenia Webinar Description We are in the midst of an explosion in the measurement of government openness and the accessibility…

Webinar on Open Budgets

Speakers World Bank Institute BOOST Program (BOOST is a World Bank designed data tool for building efficiency in public spending). Webinar Description The past decade has witnessed the emergence of new promising trends of enhanced budget accountability and better development…

Webinar: Citizen Engagement Using ICTs

Speakers Boris Weber, ICT4Gov Program, World Bank Institute Tiago Peixoto, , ICT4Gov Program, World Bank Institute Webinar Description Engaging with citizens is often referred to as a mechanism to foster accountability, ultimately improving the quality of policies and public services.  However, when…

Webinar: Citizen Budgets

Speakers Juan Pablo Guerrero, International Budget Partnership (IBP) Ricardo Barientos, International Budget Partnership (IBP) Webinar Description Governments can encourage citizen participation by creating conditions that enable them to engage in a meaningful way. These conditions include providing ready access to…

Webinar: Public Participation

Speakers  Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Founder and President, AmericaSpeaks David Stern, Director of Online Engagement, AmericaSpeaks Webinar Description Open Government practitioners understand how to implement transparency and open data initiatives, but for many, public participation remains vague. In this webinar, the Global…

OGP Local Informational Sessions 2023

OGP Local held a series of informational sessions in July and October 2023 to offer an overview of OGP Local and the Expression of Interest process. Watch the recordings: Informational Session in English Informational Session in Spanish Informational Session in…

Open Government Partnership