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How Can We Get EU Recovery Right?

OGP is convening an online conversation on the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. The conversation will bring together representatives from the European Commission, national governments and expert civil society to discuss how - and why it is so important - to ensure openness of recovery spending.

Buenos aires2

OGP Local Informational Sessions 2022

These events have concluded. OGP Local hosted a series of informational sessions in mid-January and early February to offer an overview of OGP Local and the 2022 Expression of Interest process, which concluded March 16. Learn more here. Asia and…

Open Response Dark Blue

Getting Recovery Right: Open Governance for EU Recovery Spending

Join OGP, representatives from EU institutions and member states, European and national civil society, media, think tanks, and academia on November 23 to discuss why and how to embed open government values into the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and national spending plans.

Open Government Partnership