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Race to the Top? Lessons from the Second Year of OGP National Action Plans

Have you ever wondered what happens year two of action plans? Curious about what is happening in the race to the top? Do you have questions or doubts about IRM end of term reports? The IRM and the International Experts Panel joined together in a live discussion about what end of term reports are telling us, the lessons so far.

When: Wednesday May 3rd 2017, 9am EST
Where: Facebook Live
Who: International Experts Panel members

Hille Hinsberg, Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, Estonia
Hille Hinsberg works for Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, an independent think tank in Estonia. She has MA in Communications. Hille advises civil servants on citizen engagement and good governance in Estonia, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova. She has written guidelines for government agencies on giving grants for civil society organizations and has co-authored a handbook on public participation.

Brendan Halloran, International Budget Partnership, USA
Brendan Halloran is the Senior Fellow in the International Budget Partnership’s Strategy and Learning team. Prior to joining IBP in 2016, Brendan lead the learning work of the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, where he played a role in shaping and interpreting evidence about what works, as well as supporting collective learning spaces, such as the TALEARN network. Before that, Brendan spent five years working on and researching governance issues in Guatemala, including as a Governance Advisor for USAID.  Brendan has a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, and has published work in a variety of journals, think pieces, and blogs, including his own — Politics, Governance, and Development.

Jeff Lovitt, New Diplomacy, Czech Republic
Jeff Lovitt is the Chair of New Diplomacy, an association established in Prague in 2015 to address the challenges facing global and regional policymakers in the eastern and southern neighborhoods of the European Union. From 2005-2015, Jeff was Executive Director of PASOS, a network of independent think-tanks in Europe and Central Asia. He developed PASOS as a leading regional civil society network (in 2012, and again in 2014, he served as co-Chair of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum). He is the author and editor of a range of publications on inclusive policymaking, including Democracy’s New Champions. European Democracy Assistance after EU Enlargement (2008), How to Win Respect and Influence Policymakers. Principles for Effective Quality Controls in the Work of Independent Think-tanks (2011), The Right Approach to Europe. An Advocacy Handbook for Civil Society: Understanding and Influencing EU Policymaking (2012), the European Integration Index 2014 for Eastern Partnership Countries, and Civil Participation in Political Decision-Making in the Six Eastern Partnership Countries – Part One. Laws and Policies (2016).

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